The Hibernian Patriot [T706] [ECCO]
- DMI number:
- 19
- Publication Date:
- 1730
- Volume Number:
- 1 of 1
- ESTC number:
- T706
- EEBO/ECCO link:
- CB126284108
- Shelfmark:
- BOD Harding C2931
- Full Title:
- [i]The Hibernian Patriot:[/i] | Being a COLLECTION of the | DRAPIER'S | LETTERS | TO THE | PEOPLE of IRELAND, | CONCERNING | Mr. [i]WOOD[/i]'s Brass Half-Pence. | Together with | CONSIDERATIONS | ON THE | ATTEMPTS made to pass that COIN. | AND | REASONS for the People of [i]IRELAND[/i]'s | refusing it. | To which are added, POEMS and SONGS | relating to the same Subject. [rule] | [epigraph] | [rule] | Printed at [i]DUBLIN. | LONDON:[/i] | Reprinted and Sold by A. MOOR in St. [i]Paul[/i]'s [i]Church-yard[/i], | and the Booksellers of [i]London[/i] and [i]Westminster[/i], | MDCCXXX.
- Epigraph:
- [i]O thou, whatever Title please thine Ear,[/i] | Dean, Drapier, Bickerstaff, [i]or[/i] Gulliver? | Whether thou chuse[/i] Cervantes' [i]serious Air, | Or laugh and shake in[/i] Rab'lais [i]easy Chair, | Or praise the Court, or magnify Mankind, |Or thy griev'd Countrey's[/i] Copper [i]Chains unbind, |From thy[/i] Boeotia [i]tho' her Pow'r retires,[/i] | Grieve not, my SWIFT, at ought our Realm acquires. | DUNCIAD.
- Place of Publication:
- London
- Genres:
- Political miscellany and Collection including prose
- Format:
- Octavo
- Pagination:
- 0
- Comments:
- CONTENTS: Prose, pp. 2-247; verse pp. 248-264. MISCELLANY GENRE: collection dominated by prose; relating to Irish politics.
- Other matter:
- PREFATORY MATTER: Preface (6pp.)
- Title:
- Fraud detected: or the Hibernian patriot [T1864]
- Publication Date:
- 1725
- ESTC No:
- T1864
- Volume:
- 1 of 1
- Relationship:
- Another Edition of
- Comments:
- Author:
- Jonathan Swift
- Confidence:
- Confident (50%)
- Comments:
- Swift is probably the author of many of the prose pieces in this miscellany.
- Publisher:
- Arthur Moore
- Confidence:
- Confident (50%)
- Comments:
- Reprinted and Sold by A. MOOR in St. Paul's Church-yard, and the Booksellers of London and Westminster.
- First Line:
- When first the squire and tinker Wood
- Page No:
- pp.248-251
- Poem Title:
- Prometheus, a Poem.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Hall mighty man whose unexhausted spring
- Page No:
- pp.252-253
- Poem Title:
- To the worthy Author of the Drapier's Letters.
- Attribution:
- By a Youth of Fourteen Years of Age
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- With brisk merry lays
- Page No:
- pp.254-255
- Poem Title:
- New Songs Sung at the Club at Mr. Taplin's The Sign of the Drapier's Head in Truck-street...Song I.
- Attribution:
- By Mr. Witheral
- Attributed To:
- Mr. Witheral
- First Line:
- Since the Drapier's set up and Wood is cried down
- Page No:
- pp.256-257
- Poem Title:
- Song II.
- Attribution:
- By Mr. Charles Shadwell.
- Attributed To:
- Charles Shadwell
- First Line:
- Of a worthy Dublin Drapier
- Page No:
- pp.257-261
- Poem Title:
- Song III.
- Attribution:
- By the Reverend Dr, Thomas Sheridan.
- Attributed To:
- Thomas Sheridan
- First Line:
- Now we're free by nature
- Page No:
- pp.261-262
- Poem Title:
- Song IV.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- When Wood had like t' have taken root
- Page No:
- pp.262-263
- Poem Title:
- Song V.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- We give the world to understand
- Page No:
- p.264
- Poem Title:
- Drapier's Hill.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
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