
Windsor Drollery [R38692]

DMI number:
Publication Date:
Volume Number:
1 of 1
ESTC number:
Place of Publication:
Collection of 17th century verse and Collection of songs
First Line:
How unhappy a Lover am I
Page No:
pp. 1-2
Poem Title:
Attributed To:
John Dryden
First Line:
From the fair Lavinian shore
Page No:
p. 2
Poem Title:
Song 2.
Attributed To:
Robert Davenant
First Line:
Now the weather is warm
Page No:
p. 3
Poem Title:
Song 3.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
We'le call for our barge and to Lambeth we'll row
Page No:
pp. 3-4
Poem Title:
Song 4.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Bright Celia know 'twas not thine eyes
Page No:
p. 4
Poem Title:
Song 5.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Beneath a Myrtle-shade
Page No:
p. 5
Poem Title:
Song 6.
Attributed To:
John Dryden
First Line:
A Lover I am and a lover I'll be
Page No:
pp. 6-7
Poem Title:
Song 9.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Love that is screw'd a pin too high
Page No:
p. 6
Poem Title:
Song 7.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
My Love is full of noble Pride
Page No:
p. 6
Poem Title:
Song 8.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Stay Shepherd prethee shepherd I stay
Page No:
pp. 7-8
Poem Title:
Song 11.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
When dasies pied and violets blue
Page No:
p. 7
Poem Title:
Song 10.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Oh fain would I before I die
Page No:
pp. 8-9
Poem Title:
Song 12.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
As we went wandring all the night
Page No:
p. 9
Poem Title:
Song 13.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Never perswade me to't I vow
Page No:
p. 10
Poem Title:
Song 15.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
A wife I do hate
Page No:
p. 10
Poem Title:
Song 14.
Attributed To:
William Wycherley
First Line:
To little or no purpose I spent many days
Page No:
pp. 10-11
Poem Title:
Song 16.
Attributed To:
Sir George Etherege
First Line:
All the flatteries of Fate
Page No:
pp. 11-12
Poem Title:
Song 18.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Like a Dog with a Bottle fast ty'd to his tail
Page No:
p. 11
Poem Title:
Song 17.
Attributed To:
Thomas Flatman
First Line:
Go thy way go thy way
Page No:
pp. 12-13
Poem Title:
Song 20.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
I'll go to my Love where he lies in the Deep
Page No:
p. 12
Poem Title:
Song 19.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
The Bread is all bak'd
Page No:
p. 13
Poem Title:
Song 21.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Now the Cock doth cry Cook-a-doodle-doo
Page No:
p. 14
Poem Title:
Song 22.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Fill up the Bowl with Rosie Wine
Page No:
p. 14
Poem Title:
Song 23.
Attributed To:
Abraham Cowley
First Line:
How happy art thou and I
Page No:
pp. 15-16
Poem Title:
Song 25.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Underneath the Myrtle-shade
Page No:
p. 15
Poem Title:
Song 24.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Be thou joyful I am jolly
Page No:
pp. 16-17
Poem Title:
Song 26.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
When in the month of January
Page No:
pp. 17-18
Poem Title:
Song 28.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
If Wealth could keep a man alive
Page No:
p. 17
Poem Title:
Song 27. A Catch.
Attributed To:
Alexander Brome
First Line:
Come hither my dearest come hither to me
Page No:
pp. 18-19
Poem Title:
Song 29.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Poor Celia once was very fair
Page No:
p. 19
Poem Title:
Song 30.
Attributed To:
Thomas Flatman
First Line:
Prethee Susan what dost muse on
Page No:
pp. 20-21
Poem Title:
Song 31. JAMES and SUSAN.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Damon I tell thee I never shall be
Page No:
p. 21
Poem Title:
Song 33. Her Answer.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Silvia tell me how long it will be
Page No:
p. 21
Poem Title:
Song 32. To SILVIA.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
As I lay musing one night in my Bed
Page No:
pp. 22-23
Poem Title:
Song 36.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
How severe is forgetful old age
Page No:
p. 22
Poem Title:
Song 35.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Silvia know I never shall more
Page No:
p. 22
Poem Title:
Song 34. His Reply.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Jone to the Maypole away let's run
Page No:
pp. 23-24
Poem Title:
Song 38.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
On the bank of a brook as I sat fishing
Page No:
pp. 23-24
Poem Title:
Song 37.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Alas how long shall I and my maidenhead lie
Page No:
p. 25
Poem Title:
Song 39.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
No creature can be more pleasant than we
Page No:
p. 26
Poem Title:
Song 40.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Out upon it I have loved
Page No:
p. 26
Poem Title:
Song 41.
Attributed To:
Sir John Suckling
First Line:
Say but did you love so long
Page No:
p. 27
Poem Title:
Song 42. Her Answer.
Attributed To:
Sir Toby Matthews
First Line:
Let the Bowl pass free
Page No:
pp. 27-28
Poem Title:
Song 43.
Attributed To:
Alexander Brome
First Line:
Tell me Dearest prethee do
Page No:
pp. 28-29
Poem Title:
Song 44.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Well we will do that rigid thing
Page No:
pp. 29-30
Poem Title:
Song 45.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
An old house end and old house end
Page No:
p. 30
Poem Title:
Song 46. A CATCH.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Jog on jog on the foot-path way
Page No:
pp. 30-31
Poem Title:
Song 47. A CATCH.
Attributed To:
William Shakespeare
First Line:
Away with this Cash 'twill make us all mad
Page No:
pp. 31-32
Poem Title:
Song 47. The Needy-mans Song.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
My masters and friends whosoever intends
Page No:
pp. 32-33
Poem Title:
Song 48. The Politick Drinker.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Fly Boy fly to the Cellar-bottom
Page No:
p. 34
Poem Title:
Song 49. A CATCH.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Since you will needs my heart possess
Page No:
pp. 34-35
Poem Title:
Song 50.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
I always resolv'd to be free from the charms
Page No:
pp. 35-36
Poem Title:
Song 51.
Attributed To:
William Hicks
First Line:
Beauteous Chloris while thou dost enjoy
Page No:
pp. 36-37
Poem Title:
Song 53.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Cloris let my passion ever
Page No:
p. 36
Poem Title:
Song 52.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Fair Clorinda I do owe
Page No:
p. 38
Poem Title:
Song 54.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Nay perswade not I've swore
Page No:
pp. 38-39
Poem Title:
Song 55.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Comely Swain why fit'st thou so
Page No:
p. 39
Poem Title:
Song 56.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
That divine form which thus deludes thy sence
Page No:
p. 40
Poem Title:
Song 57.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Thus from the prison to the throne
Page No:
p. 40
Poem Title:
Song 58.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Under the willow shades they were
Page No:
pp. 40-41
Poem Title:
Song 59.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Ah how sweet it is to love
Page No:
p. 41
Poem Title:
Song 60.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Lets fill with Wine this lusty Bowl
Page No:
p. 42
Poem Title:
Song 62.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Thou sits too long at the pot Tom
Page No:
pp. 43-44
Poem Title:
Song 63.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Now we are met let's merry merry be
Page No:
p. 44
Poem Title:
Song 64.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Sack is the Prince of Wales
Page No:
p. 44
Poem Title:
Song 65.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
If fairest CLIA would not frown
Page No:
p. 45
Poem Title:
Song 66.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
This ale my bonny lads
Page No:
p. 45
Poem Title:
Song 67.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
I love a Nymph a lack a day
Page No:
p. 46
Poem Title:
Song 68.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
I have been in love and in debt and in drink
Page No:
p. 46
Poem Title:
Song 69.
Attributed To:
Alexander Brome
First Line:
What alas will the knowing avail me
Page No:
pp. 47-48
Poem Title:
Song 71.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Hang up Mars
Page No:
p. 47
Poem Title:
Song 70.
Attributed To:
Alexander Brome
First Line:
Bacchus Iacchus fill our brains
Page No:
pp. 48-49
Poem Title:
Song 73.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Take heed fair Cloris how you tame
Page No:
p. 48
Poem Title:
Song 72.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Bring us some sack and claret
Page No:
pp. 50-51
Poem Title:
Song 76.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Of all the brave birds that ere I did see
Page No:
p. 50
Poem Title:
Song 74.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
The morning doth wast to the Meadows let's hast
Page No:
p. 50
Poem Title:
Song 75.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Beauty and Love once fell at odds
Page No:
pp. 51-52
Poem Title:
Song 77.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Number the sands that do restrain
Page No:
p. 52
Poem Title:
Song 79.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
When my sense in wine I steep
Page No:
p. 52
Poem Title:
Song 78.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
No I will sooner trust the wind
Page No:
p. 53
Poem Title:
Song 80
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
When I see the young men play
Page No:
p. 53
Poem Title:
Song 80.
Attributed To:
Thomas Stanley
First Line:
Know CLIA since thou art so proud
Page No:
pp. 53-54
Poem Title:
Song 81.
Attributed To:
Thomas Carew
First Line:
Come Cloris leave thy wandring Sheep
Page No:
p. 54
Poem Title:
Song 81.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Come drink off your liquor
Page No:
p. 55
Poem Title:
Song 82.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
When our glasses flow with wine
Page No:
pp. 55-56
Poem Title:
Song 83.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Here lies not in but on Earth's Womb
Page No:
pp. 56-57
Poem Title:
Song 85. On a Horse.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Diogenes was merry in his tub
Page No:
p. 56
Poem Title:
Song 84. A CATCH.
Attributed To:
John Playford
First Line:
If every woman were serv'd in her kind
Page No:
pp. 57-58
Poem Title:
Song 87.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
When Arthur first in court began
Page No:
p. 57
Poem Title:
Song 86.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Disputes daily arise and errors grow bolder
Page No:
p. 59
Poem Title:
Song 89.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Ye Fiends and Furies come along
Page No:
p. 59
Poem Title:
Song 88.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Where the bee sucks there suck I
Page No:
p. 59 .
Poem Title:
Song 90.
Attributed To:
William Shakespeare
First Line:
A curse upon thee for a slave
Page No:
p. 60
Poem Title:
Song 102.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
I can love for an hour when I'm at leisure
Page No:
pp. 60-61
Poem Title:
Song 103.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
What shall he have that kill'd the Deer
Page No:
p. 60
Poem Title:
Song 101.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Tom and Will were shepherds swains
Page No:
pp. 61-62
Poem Title:
Song 104.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Tis well tis well with them say I
Page No:
pp. 62-63
Poem Title:
Song 105.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Dear Love let me this ev'ning die
Page No:
pp. 63-64
Poem Title:
Song 106.
Attributed To:
Sir William Davenant
First Line:
Pompey was a mad-man a mad-man
Page No:
pp. 64-65
Poem Title:
Song 107.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
The Pot and the Pipe
Page No:
p. 65
Poem Title:
Song 118.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
There was three cooks in Colebrook
Page No:
p. 65
Poem Title:
Song 119.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
No man Love's fiery passion can approve
Page No:
pp. 65-66
Poem Title:
Song 120.
Attributed To:
Sir Robert Ayton
First Line:
Strait my green gown into breeches I'll make
Page No:
p. 66
Poem Title:
Song 121.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
He that marries a merry lass
Page No:
p. 67
Poem Title:
Song 123.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
I Wo' not go to't I mun not go to't
Page No:
p. 67
Poem Title:
Song 122.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Stay shut the Gate
Page No:
pp. 68-69
Poem Title:
Song 124.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Thou deity swift winged love
Page No:
pp. 69-70
Poem Title:
Song 126.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
My lodging it is on the cold ground
Page No:
p. 69
Poem Title:
Song 125.
Attributed To:
Sir William Davenant
First Line:
Help help o help divinity of love
Page No:
pp. 70-71
Poem Title:
Song 127.
Attributed To:
Henry Hughes
First Line:
Cupid's no God a wanton Child
Page No:
p. 71
Poem Title:
Song 128.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
If freely I might discover
Page No:
p. 71
Poem Title:
Song 129.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Young and simple though I am
Page No:
pp. 71-72
Poem Title:
Song 130.
Attributed To:
Thomas Campion
First Line:
Oh that joy so soon should waste
Page No:
pp. 72-73
Poem Title:
Song 131.
Attributed To:
Benjamin Jonson
First Line:
Why so pale and wan fond lover
Page No:
p. 73
Poem Title:
Song 132.
Attributed To:
Sir John Suckling
First Line:
Amongst the Myrtles as I walk'd
Page No:
pp. 73-74
Poem Title:
Song 133.
Attributed To:
Robert Herrick
First Line:
How happy is the prisoner who conquers his fate
Page No:
pp. 74-75
Poem Title:
Song 134.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
We'll call and drink the Cellar dry
Page No:
pp. 75-77
Poem Title:
Song 135.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Farewel thou dearest of my crimes
Page No:
pp. 77-78
Poem Title:
Song 136.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
A silly poor shepherd was folding his sheep
Page No:
p. 78
Poem Title:
Song 138.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Cornutus call'd his wife both whore and slut
Page No:
p. 78
Poem Title:
Song 139. To a Cuckold.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
How great a number in one rigid fate
Page No:
p. 79
Poem Title:
Song 140.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
In a season all oppressed
Page No:
pp. 79-80
Poem Title:
Song 142.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Your merry poets old boys
Page No:
p. 79
Poem Title:
Song 141.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Come come you ladies of the night
Page No:
pp. 80-81
Poem Title:
Song 143.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
He that will court a wench that is coy
Page No:
pp. 81-82
Poem Title:
Song 145.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Why should passion lead thee blind
Page No:
p. 81
Poem Title:
Song 144.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Behold the brand of Beauty tost
Page No:
pp. 82-83
Poem Title:
Song 146.
Attributed To:
Edmund Waller
First Line:
How ill doth he deserve a Lovers name
Page No:
p. 83
Poem Title:
Song 147.
Attributed To:
Thomas Carew
First Line:
Let fools great Cupids yoke disdain
Page No:
pp. 83-84
Poem Title:
Song 148.
Attributed To:
Thomas Carew
First Line:
Noble King Lud here hast thou stood
Page No:
pp. 84-85
Poem Title:
Song 149. Prisoners of Ludgate's Song.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Charon O Charon
Page No:
pp. 85-86
Poem Title:
Song 151.
Attributed To:
John Fletcher
First Line:
Orpehus I am come from the deeps below
Page No:
p. 85
Poem Title:
Song 150.
Attributed To:
John Fletcher
First Line:
I'd have you quoth he
Page No:
p. 89
Poem Title:
Song 157.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Let Fortune and Phillis frown if they please
Page No:
p. 89
Poem Title:
Song 156.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Broom broom the bonny broom
Page No:
p. 90
Poem Title:
Song 158.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
He that's wise and wary
Page No:
pp. 90-91
Poem Title:
Song 159. On our falling out with Spain.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
The wars are done and gone
Page No:
pp. 91-92
Poem Title:
Song 160.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Have you any crackt maidenheads to new leach or mend
Page No:
p. 92
Poem Title:
Song 162.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Will ye buy any honesty come away
Page No:
p. 92
Poem Title:
Song 161.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Tis late and cold stir up the fire
Page No:
pp. 92-93
Poem Title:
Song 163.
Attributed To:
John Fletcher
First Line:
Come follow me you Country Lasses
Page No:
p. 93
Poem Title:
Song 164.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
I'll sing you a Sonnet that ne'er was in Print
Page No:
pp. 93-96
Poem Title:
Song 166.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
How long shall I pine for love
Page No:
p. 93
Poem Title:
Song 165.
Attributed To:
John Fletcher
First Line:
A Beggar a Beggar a Beggar I'll be
Page No:
pp. 96-97
Poem Title:
Song 167
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Bright shines the Sun play Beggars play
Page No:
pp. 97-98
Poem Title:
Song 168.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Stay noble hearts th'other Quart
Page No:
pp. 98-99
Poem Title:
Song 169.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Sure it is so then let it go
Page No:
pp. 99-100
Poem Title:
Song 170.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Calm was the Evening and clear was the sky
Page No:
p. 100
Poem Title:
Song 171.
Attributed To:
John Dryden
First Line:
Celamina of my heart
Page No:
pp. 101-102
Poem Title:
Song 172.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Call for the master o this is fine
Page No:
pp. 102-103
Poem Title:
Song 173.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Come ye termagant turks
Page No:
pp. 103-104
Poem Title:
Song 175.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Cupid once was weary grown
Page No:
p. 103
Poem Title:
Song 174.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
In the merry moneth of May
Page No:
pp. 104-105
Poem Title:
Song 176.
Attributed To:
Nicholas Breton [Britton]
First Line:
Charon O gentle Charon let me wooe thee
Page No:
pp. 105-106
Poem Title:
Song 177. Charon and Philomel.
Attributed To:
Robert Herrick
First Line:
Why sit you here so dull
Page No:
p. 106
Poem Title:
Song 178.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
The glories of our birth and state
Page No:
pp. 106-107
Poem Title:
Song 179.
Attributed To:
James Shirley
First Line:
What an ass is he that waits a woman's leisure
Page No:
pp. 107-108
Poem Title:
The Indifferent. Song 180.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
When Aurelia first I courted
Page No:
p. 108
Poem Title:
Song 181.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Sir Eglamore that valiant Knight fa la la la la
Page No:
pp. 108-110
Poem Title:
Song 182.
Attributed To:
Samuel Rowlands
First Line:
If't be not Love I ought to fear
Page No:
p. 110
Poem Title:
Song 183.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
I know more than Apollo
Page No:
p. 111
Poem Title:
Song 184.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
As I lay alone on my bed slumbring
Page No:
p. 112 [214]
Poem Title:
Song 185.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Tell me Dearest what is love
Page No:
pp. 112[214]-113
Poem Title:
Song 186.
Attributed To:
John Fletcher
First Line:
Come shepherds come
Page No:
p. 113
Poem Title:
Song 187.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Damon thou never lov'st me yet
Page No:
pp. 113-114
Poem Title:
Song 188.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Hold back thy hours dark knight till we have done
Page No:
p. 114
Poem Title:
Song 190.
Attributed To:
Francis Beaumont
John Fletcher
First Line:
Still to be neat still to be drest
Page No:
p. 114
Poem Title:
Song 189.
Attributed To:
Benjamin Jonson
First Line:
Why should we now boast of Arthur and his Knights
Page No:
pp. 115-116
Poem Title:
Song 192.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Come my Daphne come away
Page No:
p. 115
Poem Title:
Song 191.
Attributed To:
James Shirley
First Line:
Courtier if thou needs will wive
Page No:
p. 118
Poem Title:
Song 193.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Poor citizen if thou wilt be
Page No:
pp. 118-119
Poem Title:
Song 194.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
There was an invisible fox by chance
Page No:
p. 119
Poem Title:
Song 195.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
If love his arrows shoot so fast
Page No:
p. 119
Poem Title:
Song 196.
Attributed To:
James Shirley
First Line:
Room for the melancholy wight
Page No:
p. 120
Poem Title:
Song 198.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Welcome welcome again to thy wits
Page No:
p. 120
Poem Title:
Song 199.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Love is a bog a deep bog and a wide bog
Page No:
pp. 120-121
Poem Title:
Song 200.
Attributed To:
James Shirley
First Line:
Chant Birds in every Bush
Page No:
p. 121
Poem Title:
Song 202.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Come follow follow me
Page No:
pp. 121-123
Poem Title:
Song 203.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Fond fables tell of old
Page No:
p. 121
Poem Title:
Song 201.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
The Spaniard loves his ancient step
Page No:
pp. 121-122
Poem Title:
Song 239.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Now now Lucatia now make haste
Page No:
p. 122
Poem Title:
Song 240.
Attributed To:
Sir John Birkenhead
First Line:
Drink drink all you that think
Page No:
pp. 123-124
Poem Title:
Song 203.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
I dote I dote but am a Sot to show't
Page No:
pp. 123-125
Poem Title:
Song 242.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
When as Leander young was drowned
Page No:
p. 123
Poem Title:
Song 241.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
He that will woo a Widow must not dally
Page No:
pp. 124-125
Poem Title:
Song 205.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
We lived one and twenty years
Page No:
p. 124
Poem Title:
Song 204.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Shew me no more the Marygold
Page No:
p. 125
Poem Title:
Song 206.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Slaves are they that heap up mountains
Page No:
p. 125
Poem Title:
Song 207.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Come let us laugh let us drink let us sing
Page No:
p. 126
Poem Title:
Song 244.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Fire fire lo here I burn in such desire
Page No:
pp. 126-127
Poem Title:
Song 209.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Men of war march bravely on
Page No:
pp. 126-127
Poem Title:
Song 245.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Phillis for shame let us improve
Page No:
p. 126
Poem Title:
Song 243.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
I am confirm'd a woman can
Page No:
p. 126
Poem Title:
Song 208.
Attributed To:
Owen Feltham
First Line:
I love a woman be she tall
Page No:
pp. 127-128
Poem Title:
Song 210.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Phillis it is not in your power
Page No:
p. 127
Poem Title:
Song 246.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Have you any work for a tinker mistress
Page No:
p. 128
Poem Title:
Song 247.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
I prethee leave me love me no more
Page No:
p. 128
Poem Title:
Song 212.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Not wise enough to rule a state
Page No:
p. 128
Poem Title:
Song 211.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Turn Amarillis to thy swain
Page No:
p. 128
Poem Title:
Song 213.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Upon thy fair tresses which Phoebus excel
Page No:
pp. 128-129
Poem Title:
Song 248.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Why should we not laugh and be jolly
Page No:
pp. 128-130
Poem Title:
Song 214.
Attributed To:
Alexander Brome
First Line:
Bring back my comforts and return
Page No:
p. 129
Poem Title:
Song 249.
Attributed To:
Charles Cotton
First Line:
Amyantas that true-hearted Swain
Page No:
pp. 130-131
Poem Title:
Song 215.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Tell me prethee faithless Swain
Page No:
pp. 130-131
Poem Title:
Song 250.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
A maiden of late
Page No:
pp. 131-132
Poem Title:
Song 217
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Come give me the wench that is mellow
Page No:
p. 131
Poem Title:
Song 216.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Ah Chloris that I now could sit
Page No:
pp. 131-132
Poem Title:
Song 251.
Attributed To:
Sir Charles Sedley
First Line:
I pass all my hours in a shady old grove
Page No:
p. 132
Poem Title:
Song 252.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Cast a way care all you that love sorrow
Page No:
p. 133
Poem Title:
Song 218.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Come let us be friends and most friendly agree
Page No:
p. 133
Poem Title:
Song 254.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
What creatures on earth
Page No:
pp. 133-134
Poem Title:
Song 219.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Wake all you dead what ho what ho
Page No:
pp. 133-134
Poem Title:
Song 255.
Attributed To:
Sir William Davenant
First Line:
She that with Love is not possest
Page No:
p. 133
Poem Title:
Song 253.
Attributed To:
Elkanah Settle
First Line:
Now that the Spring hath fill'd our Veins
Page No:
p. 134
Poem Title:
Song 256.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
When Orpheus sweetly did complain
Page No:
p. 134
Poem Title:
Song 220.
Attributed To:
William Strode
First Line:
I keep my Horse I keep my Whore
Page No:
pp. 134-135
Poem Title:
Song 257.
Attributed To:
John Fletcher
First Line:
O my Chloris can those eyes
Page No:
p. 135
Poem Title:
Song 221.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
To friend and to foe
Page No:
pp. 135-136
Poem Title:
Song 259.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
When Isickles hang on the wall
Page No:
pp. 135-136
Poem Title:
Song 222
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
The thirsty earth drinks up the rain
Page No:
p. 135
Poem Title:
Song 258.
Attributed To:
Abraham Cowley
First Line:
Have you any work for the Sow-gelder ho
Page No:
p. 136
Poem Title:
Song 224.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Our Ruler hath got the Vertigo of State
Page No:
pp. 136-137
Poem Title:
Song 225.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
What a dainty life the milkmaid leads
Page No:
p. 136
Poem Title:
Song 223.
Attributed To:
Thomas Nabbes [Nabbs]
First Line:
Gallants gallants think it no scorn
Page No:
p. 137
Poem Title:
Song 226.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
How hard is an heart to be cured
Page No:
pp. 137-138
Poem Title:
Song 260.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Why should I my liberty lose
Page No:
pp. 137-138
Poem Title:
Song 227.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Have you observ'd the Wench in the street
Page No:
pp. 138-139
Poem Title:
Song 228.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Wherever I am and what ever I do
Page No:
pp. 138-139
Poem Title:
Song 261.
Attributed To:
John Dryden
First Line:
After the pangs of a desperate Lover
Page No:
p. 139
Poem Title:
Song 229.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Come fill us a brimmer of Sack
Page No:
pp. 139-140
Poem Title:
Song 262.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Tom went to market and Tom met with Tom
Page No:
p. 139
Poem Title:
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Hang sorrow and cast away care
Page No:
p. 140
Poem Title:
Song 230.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Tis Amarillis walking all alone
Page No:
p. 140
Poem Title:
Song 232.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
When thy servant is at leisure
Page No:
pp. 140-141
Poem Title:
Song 263.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Make ready fair Lady to night
Page No:
p. 140
Poem Title:
Song 231.
Attributed To:
John Dryden
First Line:
A restless Lover I espide
Page No:
pp. 141-142
Poem Title:
Song 264.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Here's a Health to our Soverain
Page No:
p. 141
Poem Title:
Song 233. A CATCH.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
See see my Chloris comes in yonder Bark
Page No:
pp. 141-142
Poem Title:
Song 234.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Give o're foolish heart and make hast to despair
Page No:
pp. 142-143
Poem Title:
Song 265.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Of late in the park a fine fancy was seen
Page No:
pp. 142-143
Poem Title:
Song 235.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
From the temple to the board
Page No:
p. 143
Poem Title:
Song 236.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Let him that undertook to praise
Page No:
pp. 143-144
Poem Title:
Song 266.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Cupid is Venus only joy
Page No:
p. 143
Poem Title:
Song 237.
Attributed To:
Thomas Middleton
First Line:
Come my Honey my Douse my Dell my Dear
Page No:
p. 144
Poem Title:
Song 138 [238].
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
For Bacchus I am and for Bacchus I'll be
Page No:
p. 145
Poem Title:
Song 267.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
In vain I have labour'd the victor to prove
Page No:
p. 145
Poem Title:
Song 268.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Farewell my Almeda my joy and my grief
Page No:
p. 146
Poem Title:
Song 270.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
I languish all night and sigh all day
Page No:
p. 146
Poem Title:
Song 269.
Attributed To:
Not attributed