A pill to purge state-melancholy [T144396]
- DMI number:
- 614
- Publication Date:
- 1725
- Volume Number:
- 1 of 1
- ESTC number:
- T144396
- EEBO/ECCO link:
- [not in ECCO]
- Shelfmark:
- BOD Harding C1127
- Full Title:
- [i]A Pill to purge State-Melancholy:[/i] | OR, A | COLLECTION | OF | Excellent New Ballads. | [rule] | [epigraph] | [rule] | [ornament] | [rule] | [i]LONDON[/i], | Printed in the Year M. DCC. XV.
- Epigraph:
- [i]A Ballad to their Merit may | Most justly then belong; | For why, they've given all away | To Lewis for a Song. | Vid.[/i] Collection, [i]p[/i].127.
- Place of Publication:
- London
- Genres:
- Political miscellany
- Format:
- Octavo
- Pagination:
- [2], iii-xii, 1-164.
- Bibliographic details:
- Portrait of Thomas D'Urfey pasted onto verso of the title page of Bod copy (perhaps by Harding?). MS note on flyleaf attributes volume to D'Urfey.
- Other matter:
- Prefatory matter: Publisher's Preface (p.iii-viii); Index (p.ix-xii)
- References:
- Case 288.
- Title:
- A pill to purge state-melancholy [N21236]
- Publication Date:
- 1725
- ESTC No:
- N21236
- Volume:
- 1 of 1
- Relationship:
- Unknown
- Comments:
- Title:
- A pill to purge state-melancholy [N37590] [ECCO - Texas U] [Dublin edition]
- Publication Date:
- 1725
- ESTC No:
- N37590
- Volume:
- 1 of 1
- Relationship:
- Unknown
- Comments:
- Title:
- A pill to purge state melancholy [vol. 2] [T179426]
- Publication Date:
- 1718
- ESTC No:
- T179426
- Volume:
- 2 of 2
- Relationship:
- Unknown
- Comments:
- First Line:
- Fill every glass and recommend them
- Page No:
- pp.1-3
- Poem Title:
- A Song in Praise of our Three Fam'd Generals.
- Attribution:
- Translated from the French by Mr. Durfey
- Attributed To:
- Thomas D'Urfey
- First Line:
- Sing mighty Marlborough's story
- Page No:
- pp.3-4
- Poem Title:
- A New Health to the Duke of Marlborough, with a Stanza in honour of the Prince of Hannover and Prince Eugene; on occasion of the Victory at Audenarde.
- Attribution:
- The words by Mr. Durfey
- Attributed To:
- Thomas D'Urfey
- First Line:
- Ye commons and peers
- Page No:
- pp.5-8
- Poem Title:
- An Historical Account of the Battel of Audenarde.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- You tell me Dick you lately read
- Page No:
- pp.8-10
- Poem Title:
- A New Song
- Attribution:
- the Words by Mr. Estcourt
- Attributed To:
- Richard Estcourt
- First Line:
- Dearest Philip my grandson of Spain
- Page No:
- pp.10-11
- Poem Title:
- [no title]
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Now cannon smoke clouds all the sky
- Page No:
- pp.11-12
- Poem Title:
- A Song on the Victory gain'd over the French by the Duke of Marlborough and Prince Eugene, and also the taking of Mons.
- Attribution:
- The Words by Mr. D'Urfey
- Attributed To:
- Thomas D'Urfey
- First Line:
- Grand Lewis let pride be abated
- Page No:
- pp.13-15
- Poem Title:
- A Song occasion'd by the taking of Lisle.
- Attribution:
- The Words by Mr. D'Urfey.
- Attributed To:
- Thomas D'Urfey
- First Line:
- Once more the great general home returns
- Page No:
- pp.15-16
- Poem Title:
- A Song on the taking of Doway and Aire.
- Attribution:
- By Mr. Durfey
- Attributed To:
- Thomas D'Urfey
- First Line:
- Now now comes on the glorious year
- Page No:
- pp.16-17
- Poem Title:
- A Song on the ensuing Campaign, 1709.
- Attribution:
- Written by Mr. D'Urfey
- Attributed To:
- Thomas D'Urfey
- First Line:
- In the days of Queen Anne
- Page No:
- pp.17-19
- Poem Title:
- A New Song, to the Tune of Lilliburlero.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- You vicars and curates and lecturers all
- Page No:
- pp.19-21
- Poem Title:
- A New Ballad, to the Tune of Packington's Pound.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Good folks I pray have you not heard
- Page No:
- pp.21-24
- Poem Title:
- A New Ballad on a late Strolling Doctor. To the old Tune of, Hey Boys! Up go we: or what other you please.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Now now the Whigs shall all go down
- Page No:
- pp.25-26
- Poem Title:
- The Tories Triumph on the News of the Pretender's Expedition to Switzerland, alias England. Being a new Song to a merry old Tune, made in the Year 1641. reviv'd in 1683. and lately perform'd at the Bell-Tavern in W---------r.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Fill up the mighty sparkling bowl
- Page No:
- pp.27-29
- Poem Title:
- A Health to the Present Constitution.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- When as Queen Anne of great renown
- Page No:
- pp.29-35
- Poem Title:
- A New Ballad. To the Tune of Fair Rosamond.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- All things are changed in court and town
- Page No:
- pp.35-36
- Poem Title:
- A Ballad to the Tune of the Dame of Honour.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- England of late a glorious state
- Page No:
- p.37
- Poem Title:
- To the Tune of Cold and Raw.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- I pray god bless our gracious Queen
- Page No:
- pp.37-39
- Poem Title:
- To the Tune of Fair Rosamond.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Madam take care
- Page No:
- pp.39-41
- Poem Title:
- To the Tune of the Windsor Minuet.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- All Britons rejoice at this turn of the state
- Page No:
- pp.41-45
- Poem Title:
- An Excellent New Song, call'd, Credit Restor'd, in the Year 1711. To the Tune of, Come prithee, Horace, hold up thy Head.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Sing praise to our gracious queen Anne
- Page No:
- pp.45-48
- Poem Title:
- An Excellent New Song, call'd, An End to our Sorrows. To the Tune of, I laugh at the Pope's Devices.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- God prosper long this free born isle
- Page No:
- pp.48-51
- Poem Title:
- A New Ballad, to the Old Tune of Chevy-Chase.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- The year of wonders is arrived
- Page No:
- pp.51-56
- Poem Title:
- The Age of Wonders. To the Tune of Chevy Chase.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- A treaty's on foot look about English boys
- Page No:
- pp.57-58
- Poem Title:
- A New Song. Being a Second Part to the same Tune of Lilliburlero, &c.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- All you that have stock and are mad for a peace
- Page No:
- pp.59-61
- Poem Title:
- The French Preliminaries. A New Ballad to the Old Tune of Packington's Pound.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- The news from abroad does a secret reveal
- Page No:
- pp.61-64
- Poem Title:
- An Excellent New Song, call'd, Mat's Peace, or the Downfal of Trade. To the good old Tune of Green Sleeves.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- When Lewis the great
- Page No:
- pp.64-66
- Poem Title:
- The French King's Lamentation for the Miscarriage of Monsieur Guiscard. Being a new Song, to an Excellent new Tune. Sung at the Opera Theatre in Covent-Garden.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Come all ye brave boys and high churchmen draw near
- Page No:
- pp.66-70
- Poem Title:
- The Truth at last. To the Tune of, Which no-body can deny.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- To you dear brothers who in vain
- Page No:
- pp.70-75
- Poem Title:
- The Soldiers Lamentation for the Loss of their General. In a Letter from the Recruiters in London, to their Friends in Flanders. To the Tune of, To you, fair Ladies, &c.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- When as queen robin ruled this land
- Page No:
- pp.76-79
- Poem Title:
- A New Song.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Faction is ripe
- Page No:
- p.79
- Poem Title:
- First Part.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Our laws and our commerce
- Page No:
- pp.80-81
- Poem Title:
- Second Part.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- A tight and trim vessel
- Page No:
- pp.81-83
- Poem Title:
- A Tale of a Tarr. A New Ballad.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- She-land the praise of all the earth
- Page No:
- pp.84-88
- Poem Title:
- A Choice New Song, call'd, She-Land, and Robinocracy. To all sorts of Tunes.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Let's sing to the memory of glorious queen bess
- Page No:
- pp.88-90
- Poem Title:
- Queen Elizabeth's Day: or the Downfall of the Devil, Pope, and Pretender. To the Tune of Bonny Dundee.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Let's sing to the ministry's praise
- Page No:
- pp.90-93
- Poem Title:
- The Thanksgiving: A New Protestant Ballad. To an Excellent Italian Tune.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- To you fair traders now ashore
- Page No:
- pp.93-95
- Poem Title:
- The South-Sea Whim. To the Tune of, To you, fair Ladies, now at Land, &c.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- If what the tower of London holds
- Page No:
- pp.95-97
- Poem Title:
- On the Jewel in the Tower.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Let's joy in the medal with James the Third's face
- Page No:
- p.98
- Poem Title:
- A Welcome to the Medal: or, an Excellent New Song, call'd, The Constitution Restor'd, in 1711. To the Tune of Mortimer's Hole.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Let's sing the brave hero whom heaven did ordain
- Page No:
- pp.102-106
- Poem Title:
- A Song for King William's Birthday. To the Tune of Lillibullero.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Here's a health to queen Anne sir
- Page No:
- p.107
- Poem Title:
- The Royal Health. To the Tune of, All Joy to Great Caesar.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Oh brother Tom dost know the intent
- Page No:
- pp.108-110
- Poem Title:
- An Excellent New Song. To the Memorable Tune of Lillibullero.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Oh wicked Whigs what can you mean
- Page No:
- pp.110-113
- Poem Title:
- Plot upon Plot. To the Tune of, Hey Boys up go we.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Attend and prepare for a cargo from Dover
- Page No:
- pp.113-116
- Poem Title:
- The Merchant A-la-mode. To the Tune of Which no body can deny.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Here be de var pretty show just come from Parie
- Page No:
- pp.116-119
- Poem Title:
- The Raree-Show.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Ye lads and ye lasses that live in Great Britain
- Page No:
- pp.120-122
- Poem Title:
- The Pedlar. To the Tune of, The Abbot of Canterbury.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Though wit in a ballad should bite like a tooth
- Page No:
- pp.122-125
- Poem Title:
- A New Ballad, to the Old Tune of, Which no body can deny, &c.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Plump Cocky and Abigail Rome to advance
- Page No:
- pp.125-127
- Poem Title:
- To the Tune of, There's rare Doings at Bath.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- God bless our gracious sovereign Anne
- Page No:
- pp.127-131
- Poem Title:
- To the Tune of Chivy-Chace.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- All the world's in strife and hurry
- Page No:
- pp.132-133
- Poem Title:
- To an Opera Tune.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Though Britain on to ruin runs
- Page No:
- pp.133-135
- Poem Title:
- An Excellent New Ballad, call'd, Illustrious George shall come. To the Tune of, The King shall enjoy his own again.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- To you dear topers at the court
- Page No:
- pp.136-137
- Poem Title:
- The Country Squire's Ditty. A Ballad. To the Tune of, To you, fair Ladies, &c.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Who mounts the loftiest dignities
- Page No:
- pp.138-140
- Poem Title:
- A New Song. To the Tune of, Marlborough push 'em again.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Great Marlborough's quite forgot sir
- Page No:
- pp.140-141
- Poem Title:
- [no title]
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Grenadiers now change your song
- Page No:
- pp.141-142
- Poem Title:
- First Part. To the Tune of, Over the Hills and far away.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Grenadiers now change your song
- Page No:
- pp.142-143
- Poem Title:
- Second Part.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Now now comes on the Tories year
- Page No:
- pp.143-144
- Poem Title:
- A New Ballad.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- I'll tell you a story a story most merry
- Page No:
- pp.144-147
- Poem Title:
- King Edward's Ghost: or, The King and the Cobler.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Ye weavers all of Spitalfields
- Page No:
- pp.147-151
- Poem Title:
- An Excellent New Ballad, giving a full and true Relation how a Noble Lord was robb'd of his Birth-Day Clothes; and how the same afterwards appear'd, and were burn'd on the Pretender's own Back at Charing-Cross, February 6. 1713. To the Tune of, To you, fair Ladies, now at Land, &c.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Let's sing in the praise of French wine
- Page No:
- pp.151-152
- Poem Title:
- To the Tune of, Old Sir Simon the King.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- At the bottom of the chamber pot
- Page No:
- p.153
- Poem Title:
- [no title]
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Here's a health to the queen
- Page No:
- p.154
- Poem Title:
- [no title]
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- There was once a glorious queen
- Page No:
- pp.154-157
- Poem Title:
- Nothing but Truth. A Ballad. To the Tune of, A Beggar of all Trades is the best.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Attend good people give an ear
- Page No:
- pp.158-160
- Poem Title:
- Upon the Stabbing of the Earl of Oxford by Guiscard.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- I now have an ambition
- Page No:
- pp.161-164
- Poem Title:
- An Excellent New Song, call'd, The full Tryal and Condemnation of John Duke of Marlborough.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
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