
Poetical recreations consisting of original poems songs odes &c with several new translations. [ESTC R7698]

DMI number:
Publication Date:
Volume Number:
1 of 1
ESTC number:
Full Title:
POETICAL | RECREATIONS: | Consisting of | ORIGINAL POEMS, | SONGS, ODES, &c. | With several | New [i]TRANSLATIONS.[/i] | [rule] | In Two PARTS. | [rule] | PART I. | Occasionally Written by Mrs. [i]JANE BARKER.[/i] | PART II. | By several Gentlemen of the UNIVERSITIES, | and Others. | [rule] | [epigraph] | rule |[i]LONDON,[/i] | Printed for [i]Benjamin Crayle,[/i] at the [i]Peacock[/i] | and [i]Bible,[/i] at the West-end of St. [i]Pauls.[/i] 1688.
-----[i]pulcherrima Virgo | Incedit, magna Juvenum stipante caterva.[/i] Virg.
Place of Publication:
Bibliographic details:
Separate title page: MISCELLANEA: | OR, THE | [g]Second Part[/g] | OF | POETICAL | RECREATIONS. | [rule] | Compos'd by several Authors. | [rule] | ---[i]Non, ubi plura intent in carmine, paucis | Offendi maculis, quasi aug in curia audit | Aut humana parum cavit Natura. -----[/i] Hor. | [rule] | [i]LONDON,[/i] | Printed for [i]Benjamin Crayle,[/i] at the [i]Peacock[/i] | and [i]Bible,[/i] at the West-end of St. [i]Pauls.[/i] 1688.
CONTENTS: Miscellany split into sections: 1) 'Part I. Occasionally Written by Mrs. Jane Barker.' 2) 'Part II. By several Gentlemen of the Universities, and Others.'
Other matter:
Prefatory matter: 1) 'The Publisher to the Reader', pp. A3-A4v. 2) 'To Madam Jane Barker, On Her Incomparable Poems.' pp. A5-A6. 3) 'To the Ingenious Mrs. Barker, On her Excellent Poems.' pp. A6v-A7. 4) 'To the Ingenious Author, Mrs Jane Barker, on her Poems. pp. A7v-A8v. 5) 'In Elegantem Jane Barker Poeticen Epigramma.' p. A8 v. 6) 'To Mrs. Jane Barker, On her Ingenious Poems.' pp. a-av. 7) 'To the Incomparable Galaecia, On the Publication of Her Poems.' pp. a2-a2v. 8) 'A Table of the Poems Contained in the First Part of Poetical Recreations.' pp. a3-a4. End matter: 1) Advertisement 'Books lately Printed for Benj. Crayle, at the Peacock and Bible at the West-end of St.Paul's' p. 208.
NCBEL 336 (1688)
First Line:
As in the ancient chaos from whose womb
Page No:
pp. A7v-A8v
Poem Title:
To the Ingenious Author, Mrs. Jane Barker, On Her Poems.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Long since my thoughts did thus forboding tell
Page No:
pp. A6v-A7r
Poem Title:
To the Ingenious Mrs. Barker, On Her Excellent Poems.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Soon as some envious angel's willing hand
Page No:
pp. A5r-A6r
Poem Title:
To Madam Jane Barker, On Her Incomparable Poems.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
We men would fain monopolise all wit
Page No:
pp. ar-av
Poem Title:
To Mrs. Jane Barker, On Her Ingenious Poems.
S. C. Esq.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
When a new star does in the skies appear
Page No:
pp. a2r-a2v
Poem Title:
To the Incomparable Galaecia, On the Publication of Her Poems.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
If friends you would but now this place accost
Page No:
pp. 1-4
Poem Title:
Miscellany Poems. Part I. By Mrs. Jane Barker. An Invitation to my Friends at Cambridge.
By Mrs. Jane Barker.
Attributed To:
Jane Barker
First Line:
What fitter subject could be for thy wit
Page No:
pp. 4-6
Poem Title:
To Mr. Hill, on his Verses to the Dutchess of York, when she was at Cambridge.
Collected under Barker's name.
Attributed To:
Jane Barker
First Line:
Should I in tuneless lines strive to express
Page No:
pp. 6-8
Poem Title:
To my Cousin Mr. E. F. on his Excellent Painting.
Collected under Barker's name.
Attributed To:
Jane Barker
First Line:
Good sir if I could my resentments show
Page No:
pp. 8-10
Poem Title:
To my Reverend Friend Mr. H----. on his Presenting me The Reasonableness of Christianity, and The History of King Charles the First, &c.
Collected under Barker's name.
Attributed To:
Jane Barker
First Line:
Dear brother | thy marrying humour I dare scarce upbraid
Page No:
pp. 11-12
Poem Title:
To Mr. G. P. my Adopted Brother; on the nigh approach of his Nuptials.
Collected under Barker's name.
Attributed To:
Jane Barker
First Line:
Since oh ye powers ye have bestowed on me
Page No:
pp. 12-13
Poem Title:
A Virgin Life.
Collected under Barker's name.
Attributed To:
Jane Barker
First Line:
When friends advice with lovers forces join
Page No:
pp. 14-15
Poem Title:
To my Friend Exillus, on his persuading me to Marry Old Damon.
Collected under Barker's name.
Attributed To:
Jane Barker
First Line:
You had little reason to complain of me
Page No:
pp. 16-17
Poem Title:
To Dr. R. S. my indifferent Lover, who complain'd of my Indifferency.
Collected under Barker's name.
Attributed To:
Jane Barker
First Line:
I dreamed I lost a pearl and so it proved
Page No:
pp. 18-19
Poem Title:
On the Death of my Dear Friend and Play-fellow, Mrs E. D. having Dream'd the night before I heard thereof, that I had lost a Pearl.
Collected under Barker's name.
Attributed To:
Jane Barker
First Line:
Well might the antients deem a grove to be
Page No:
pp. 20-3
Poem Title:
The Prospect of a Landskip, Beginning with a Grove.
Collected under Barker's name.
Attributed To:
Jane Barker
First Line:
Ah lovely stream how fitly may thou be
Page No:
pp. 24-7
Poem Title:
Sitting by a Rivulet.
Collected under Barker's name.
Attributed To:
Jane Barker
First Line:
Oh that I could verses write
Page No:
p. 27
Poem Title:
A Hill.
Collected under Barker's name.
Attributed To:
Jane Barker
First Line:
Bright shees what glories had your names acquired
Page No:
pp. 28-9
Poem Title:
To Ovid's Heroines in his Epistles.
Collected under Barker's name.
Attributed To:
Jane Barker
First Line:
When vacant hours admit you to peruse
Page No:
p. 28
Poem Title:
To Sir F. W. presenting him Cowley's first Works.
Collected under Barker's name.
Attributed To:
Jane Barker
First Line:
Dear sir the joys which range through all your troops
Page No:
pp. 29-30
Poem Title:
To my Honourable Unkle Colonel C--- after his Return into the Low-Countries.
Collected under Barker's name.
Attributed To:
Jane Barker
First Line:
I hope I shan't be blamed if I am proud
Page No:
pp. 31-4
Poem Title:
On the Apothecary's Filing my Bills amongst the Doctors.
Collected under Barker's name.
Attributed To:
Jane Barker
First Line:
When last I saw thee thou did seem so kind
Page No:
pp. 34-6
Poem Title:
To my Unkind Strephon.
Collected under Barker's name.
Attributed To:
Jane Barker
First Line:
Fear not dear friend the lessening of thy fame
Page No:
pp. 37-8
Poem Title:
To my Friend Mr. S. L. On His Receiving the Name of Little Tom King.
Collected under Barker's name.
Attributed To:
Jane Barker
First Line:
In vain in vain it is I find
Page No:
pp. 38-40
Poem Title:
Necessity of Fate.
Collected under Barker's name.
Attributed To:
Jane Barker
First Line:
Oh had I any charms of equal powers
Page No:
pp. 40-2
Poem Title:
To my Honoured Friend, Mr. E. S---t.
Collected under Barker's name.
Attributed To:
Jane Barker
First Line:
Like two sweet youths stripped naked on the Strand
Page No:
pp. 42-3
Poem Title:
On my Mother and my Lady W---. who both lay sick at the same time under the Hands of Dr. Paman.
Collected under Barker's name.
Attributed To:
Jane Barker
First Line:
Ah beauteous sex to you we're bound to give
Page No:
pp. 44-5
Poem Title:
In Commendation of the Female Sex. Out of Scipina.
Collected under Barker's name.
Attributed To:
Jane Barker
First Line:
Dear brother so far as you advance
Page No:
pp. 46-7
Poem Title:
To my Brother, whilst he was in France.
Collected under Barker's name.
Attributed To:
Jane Barker
First Line:
Come sorrow come embrace my yielding heart
Page No:
pp. 47-50
Poem Title:
On the Death of my Brother.
Collected under Barker's name.
Attributed To:
Jane Barker
First Line:
What have I now to hope or fear
Page No:
pp. 51-6
Poem Title:
On the same. A Pindarique Ode.
Collected under Barker's name.
Attributed To:
Jane Barker
First Line:
The heavens declare the glory of God
Page No:
pp. 56-7
Poem Title:
Part of the XIX. Psalm.
Collected under Barker's name.
Attributed To:
Jane Barker
First Line:
Farewell oh eyes which I never saw before
Page No:
p. 58
Poem Title:
Coming from ----- in a Dark Night.
Collected under Barker's name.
Attributed To:
Jane Barker
First Line:
Dear coz I hope by this time you have dried
Page No:
pp. 59-60
Poem Title:
To my Dear Cousin Mrs. M. T. after the Death of her Husband and Son.
Collected under Barker's name.
Attributed To:
Jane Barker
First Line:
Incautious youth why does thou so misplace
Page No:
pp. 61-2
Poem Title:
To My Young Lover.
Collected under Barker's name.
Attributed To:
Jane Barker
First Line:
Alas why made thou such a vow
Page No:
pp. 62-3
Poem Title:
To My Young Lover on His Vow.
Collected under Barker's name.
Attributed To:
Jane Barker
First Line:
To praise sweet youth do thou forbear
Page No:
p. 64
Poem Title:
To My Young Lover. A Song.
Collected under Barker's name.
Attributed To:
Jane Barker
First Line:
Well by experience now I see
Page No:
pp. 65-9
Poem Title:
To my Unkind Friend, Little Tom King.
Collected under Barker's name.
Attributed To:
Jane Barker
First Line:
Oft has my Muse and I fallen out
Page No:
pp. 70-2
Poem Title:
A Second Epistle. To my Honoured Friend Mr. E. S.
Collected under Barker's name.
Attributed To:
Jane Barker
First Line:
I wonder what Alexis ails
Page No:
pp. 73-5
Poem Title:
A Pastoral Dialogue Betwixt Two Shepherd Boys.
Collected under Barker's name.
Attributed To:
Jane Barker
First Line:
The honour that the air receives
Page No:
pp. 76-7
Poem Title:
To Mr. C. B. On his Incomparable Singing.
Collected under Barker's name.
Attributed To:
Jane Barker
First Line:
How oft ah wretch hast thou profusely swore
Page No:
pp. 78-9
Poem Title:
The Complaint.
Collected under Barker's name.
Attributed To:
Jane Barker
First Line:
In vain does nature her free gifts bestow
Page No:
pp. 79-80
Poem Title:
A Song in Scipina.
Collected under Barker's name.
Attributed To:
Jane Barker
First Line:
The heart you left when you took mine
Page No:
p. 81
Poem Title:
A Song.
Collected under Barker's name.
Attributed To:
Jane Barker
First Line:
Give over my Fidelius my Fidelius give over
Page No:
p. 82
Poem Title:
A Song.
Collected under Barker's name.
Attributed To:
Jane Barker
First Line:
As amorous Corydon was laid
Page No:
p. 83
Poem Title:
A Song.
Collected under Barker's name.
Attributed To:
Jane Barker
First Line:
Troy had a breed of brave stout men
Page No:
pp. 84-5
Poem Title:
A Bachanalian Song.
Collected under Barker's name.
Attributed To:
Jane Barker
First Line:
I've often thought but never till now could find
Page No:
pp. 86-7
Poem Title:
An Ode.
Collected under Barker's name.
Attributed To:
Jane Barker
First Line:
I dread this tedious time more than
Page No:
pp. 87-8
Poem Title:
Absence for a Time.
Collected under Barker's name.
Attributed To:
Jane Barker
First Line:
Although thou now put me in doubt
Page No:
pp. 89-90
Poem Title:
Parting with -----
Collected under Barker's name.
Attributed To:
Jane Barker
First Line:
Ah happy are we anchorites that know
Page No:
pp. 91
Poem Title:
Anchorite in Scipina.
Collected under Barker's name.
Attributed To:
Jane Barker
First Line:
Since thou wilt needs go
Page No:
pp. 92-3
Poem Title:
Jane, Nan, and Frank, their Farewell to Captain C. going to Sea.
Collected under Barker's name.
Attributed To:
Jane Barker
First Line:
If you complain your flames are hot
Page No:
p. 94
Poem Title:
To her Lovers Complaint. A Song.
Collected under Barker's name.
Attributed To:
Jane Barker
First Line:
Dear brother you will think that now
Page No:
pp. 95-6
Poem Title:
To my Adopted Brother, Mr. G. P. On my frequent Writing to Him.
Collected under Barker's name.
Attributed To:
Jane Barker
First Line:
Dear friends if you'll be ruled by me
Page No:
pp. 95-6
Poem Title:
To my Friends against Poetry.
Collected under Barker's name.
Attributed To:
Jane Barker
First Line:
Kind friend I prithee cease the intent
Page No:
pp. 97-8
Poem Title:
To The Importune Address of Poetry.
Collected under Barker's name.
Attributed To:
Jane Barker
First Line:
Farewell my gentle friend kind poetry
Page No:
pp. 99-106
Poem Title:
A Farewell to Poetry, With a Long Digression on Anatomy.
Collected under Barker's name.
Attributed To:
Jane Barker
First Line:
Ask me not why the rose doth fade
Page No:
p. 107
Poem Title:
On the Death of my Brother. A Sonnet.
Collected under Barker's name.
Attributed To:
Jane Barker
First Line:
Stand still ye floods do not deface
Page No:
Poem Title:
Song. On Sight of a Lady's Face in the Water.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Tis true my friend my style is mean and low
Page No:
pp. 286-7
Poem Title:
An Excuse for not Rhiming in the Time of the Rebellion.
The Five following Copies done by Mr. C. G. of Aeton-Colledge
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
How full of troubles is the life of man
Page No:
pp. 1-3
Poem Title:
A Paraphrase on an Hymn Sung when the Corps is at the Grave.
By T.S. Fellow of Maudlin=Colledge, Oxon.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Rise and rejoice all ye that mourn
Page No:
pp. 3-4
Poem Title:
Advice to his Friends, lamenting the Death of J. F.
By the same hand
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
This fair young virgin for a nuptial bed
Page No:
p. 5
Poem Title:
Epitaph on Mrs. E. F. who sickened of the Small Pox, and Deceased December the 31st. 1686. being the Day before her intended Nuptials.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Ye sacred relics which this marble keep
Page No:
pp. 6-7
Poem Title:
An Epitaph to Memory (fixed on the Tomb) of Sir Palme Fairborn, Governor of Tangier, who, in Execution of his Command, was Mortally Wounded by a Shot from the Moors, that then besieged the Town, Octob. 24. 1680.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
What will my mourning yet no period find
Page No:
pp. 7-9
Poem Title:
An Elegy on the Death of N.D. Doctor Physick.
By J. C.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Oh thou Theanthropos who did contain
Page No:
pp. 10-12
Poem Title:
Upon Heaven.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
The crimson them on which I now do treat
Page No:
pp. 12-15
Poem Title:
On the Martyrdom of King Charles the First.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Look upwards oh my soul and thou may see
Page No:
pp. 16-17
Poem Title:
Upon One's Birth-Day.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Behold an universal darkness has over spread
Page No:
pp. 17-19
Poem Title:
Upon Christ's Nativity.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Early in the morn I waked and first my ear
Page No:
pp. 19-21
Poem Title:
On the same.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Let this days triumph over the world be crowned
Page No:
pp. 21-3
Poem Title:
More on the same Subject.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Oh time with wings thou well may painted be
Page No:
pp. 23-5
Poem Title:
On New-Years-Day.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
How wisely nature did decree
Page No:
pp. 26-8
Poem Title:
Eyes and Tears.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Hail fair commandress of a gentle pen
Page No:
pp. 29-32
Poem Title:
To Mrs. Jane Barker, on her most Delightfull and Excellent Romance of Scipina, now in the Press.
By J. N. Fellow of St. John's Colledge in Cambridge.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Madam I can't but wonder why of late
Page No:
pp. 33-4
Poem Title:
To Mrs. Jane Barker, on her Resolution of Versifying no more.
'By the same Author.'
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Fair female conqueror we all submit
Page No:
pp. 35-6
Poem Title:
To the Incomparable Author, Mrs. Jane Barker, On her Excellent Romance of Scipina.
'By a Gentleman of St. John's College, Cambridge.'
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
The rose and other fragrant flowers smell best
Page No:
pp. 37-8
Poem Title:
On The Posthume and Precious Poems of Sir Matthew Hale, Late Lord Chief Justice of His Majesty's Court of King's-Bench.
'By a Gentleman of Lincolns-Inn'.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Since the too bold aspiring angel fell
Page No:
pp. 38-9
Poem Title:
To the Admir'd Author, Mr. Thomas Wright, On His Incomparable Histories, Entitled, God's Revenge against Murther and Adultery, with the Triumphs of Friendship and Chastity. Newly published in a small Vol. 8o.
'By Mr. J. Whitehall.'
Attributed To:
John Whitehall
First Line:
Many tis true knew of this golden mine
Page No:
pp. 40-41
Poem Title:
To his Ingenious Friend, Mr. Thomas Wright, On His Compendious Histories Of Murther, Adultery, Friendship and Chastity. Some of the former being Epitomiz'd from Mr. Reynold's Murthers.
'By another Hand.'
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Oh God who art most excellent and wise
Page No:
pp. 42-3
Poem Title:
On Christmas-day.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Naked I came from out my mother's womb
Page No:
pp. 44-6
Poem Title:
Upon Death.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
As when the labouring sun hath wrought his track
Page No:
pp. 47-8
Poem Title:
On the Divine Spirit.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
When the dread summons of commanding fate
Page No:
pp. 48-52
Poem Title:
To the Memory of the Illustrious Prince George, Duke of Buckingham.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Tis well he's gone O had he never been
Page No:
pp. 53-5
Poem Title:
Upon the Death of Oliver Cromwell. In Answer to Mr. W----'s Verses.
'By Mr. Godolphin.'
Attributed To:
Mr. Godolphin
First Line:
Robbed of our rights and by such water-rats
Page No:
pp. 55-8
Poem Title:
On the Last Dutch War.
'By Mr. Benjamin Willy, sometime Master of the Free-School of Newark upon Trent.'
Attributed To:
Benjamin Willy
First Line:
Wretch that I am and is it come to this
Page No:
pp. 59-61
Poem Title:
The Last Sayings of a Mouse, Lately Starved in a Cupboard. As they were taken in Short-hand by a Zealous Rat-catcher, who listend at the Key-hole of the Cupboard Door.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
With care peruse the lines I send
Page No:
pp. 62-4
Poem Title:
Epitaph on the Secretary to the Muses.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Under this weeping monumental stone
Page No:
pp. 65-6
Poem Title:
Epitaph on the Secretary to the Muses.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Were I a spirit to choose for my own share
Page No:
pp. 67-82
Poem Title:
A Satyr, in Answer to the Satyr against Man.
'By T. L. of Wadham Colledge, Oxon.'
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Since heaven your righteous curse has owned
Page No:
pp. 83-4
Poem Title:
A Congratulatory Poem To His most Sacred Majesty James the Second &c. On His late Victories o'er the Rebels in the West.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Could I but use my pen as you your sword
Page No:
p. 85
Poem Title:
On the same.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Whilst with a strong yet with a gentle hand
Page No:
pp. 86-90
Poem Title:
A Panegyrick On His Present Majesty James the Second: Occasionally Written since His late Victories detained over the Scotch and Western Rebels.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
No sooner doth the aged phoenix die
Page No:
pp. 91-4
Poem Title:
A Congratulatory Poem on His Sacred Majesty James the Second's Succession to the Crown.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Walking abroad to taste the welcome spring
Page No:
p. 94
Poem Title:
On The Presentation Of A Bird to his Mistriss.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Within a virgin's bosom of fifteen
Page No:
pp. 95-7
Poem Title:
Advice to Silly Maids
'By an Unknown Author.'
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Be prudent ladies marry while you may
Page No:
pp. 98-9
Poem Title:
Father Advice to Young Ladies.
'By another Hand.'
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Dear Mrs Anne I'm certain you'll find true
Page No:
pp. 100-1
Poem Title:
Advice to a Town-Miss.
'By Mr. Worsdell.'
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
She that intends ever in rest to be
Page No:
pp. 102-3
Poem Title:
The Preference of a Single Life before Marriage.
'Written at the Request of a Lady. By the same.'
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
So have I seen the sun in his full pride
Page No:
pp. 103-4
Poem Title:
Upon Clarinda's Putting on Her Vizard Mask.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Dame nature seems to make your sisters stand
Page No:
p. 105
Poem Title:
The Middle Sister
'Ascribed to Clarinda.'
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Some do compare their mistress in dull rhymes
Page No:
pp. 106-8
Poem Title:
An Elogy on Mrs. M. H.
'By a Student of the Inner-Temple.'
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
To what kind god am I in debt for this
Page No:
pp. 109-11
Poem Title:
A Love-Poem.
'By an Oxford Gentleman.'
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Pride of the world in beauty power and love
Page No:
pp. 112-3
Poem Title:
Another Love-Poem.
'By the same Author.'
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Let me not sigh my last before I breathe
Page No:
pp. 114-15
Poem Title:
The Lover's Will.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Sweet lady | your conquering eyes have by their magic art
Page No:
pp. 116-7
Poem Title:
A Love-Letter.
'By W. S. M. D.'
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
The glory which we see invest these flowers
Page No:
p. 118
Poem Title:
A Speech to his Mistress in a Garden.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Madam I hope though I a stranger am
Page No:
pp. 119-121
Poem Title:
An Address to a Gentlewoman Walking in a Garden.
'By an Oxford Gentleman.'
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Not hear my message but the bearer shun
Page No:
pp. 122-5
Poem Title:
Upon a Gentlewomans Refusal of a Letter from one she was ingaged to.
'By Sir C. S.'
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Fine shape good features and a handsome face
Page No:
pp. 125-8
Poem Title:
In Praise of a Deformed, but Virtuous, Lady; or, A Satyr on Beauty
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Madam | Twould prove a needles thing should I
Page No:
pp. 129-31
Poem Title:
A Love-Letter.
'By W. S. Gent.'
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Letters are winged postillions and do move
Page No:
pp. 131-3
Poem Title:
In Praise of Letters.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Art thou then absent oh thou dear
Page No:
pp. 133-4
Poem Title:
The Idea.
'By Charles Cotton, Esq;.'
Attributed To:
Charles Cotton
First Line:
Soul of my soul it cannot be
Page No:
pp. 134-5
Poem Title:
Love's Sympathy.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
To tune thy praise what muse shall I invoke what quire
Page No:
p. 136
Poem Title:
A Pindarique Ode on Mr. Cowley.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Oh ye blessed powers propitious be
Page No:
pp. 137-8
Poem Title:
An Ode.
'By Mr. R. D. of Cambridge.'
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
I wonder why dame nature thus
Page No:
pp. 138-9
Poem Title:
An Ode of Anacreon Paraphras'd. Beauties Force.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Madam at first I thought
Page No:
pp. 140-2
Poem Title:
A Pindarique Od.
'By Mr. John Whitehall.'
Attributed To:
John Whitehall
First Line:
Pressed with my thoughts I to confession fall
Page No:
pp. 142-144
Poem Title:
From Ovid's Amorum, lib. 2. El. 4. and Lucretius, lib. 4. That he loves Women of all sorts and sizes.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
As when proud Lucifer aimed at a throne
Page No:
pp. 145-7
Poem Title:
The Parallel.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Musing on cares of humane fate
Page No:
pp. 147-8
Poem Title:
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Tush never tell me I'm too young
Page No:
p. 149
Poem Title:
Song. The Young Lover.
'By Mr. Wright.'
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
I am a lusty lively lad
Page No:
pp. 150-1
Poem Title:
Song. The Prodigal's Resolution.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Fain would I love but that I fear
Page No:
pp. 151-2
Poem Title:
Song. The Doubtfull Lover Resolv'd.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Did you see this cup of liquor
Page No:
p. 153
Poem Title:
Song. The Cavalier's Catch.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
If mighty wealth that gives the rules
Page No:
pp. 155-6
Poem Title:
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Of hoods demolished towers laid full low
Page No:
pp. 156-8
Poem Title:
On the Serpentine Combustion by Squibs on my Lord Mayor's Day. An Heroick Poem. Written Octob. 29. 1686.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Hold there's enough nay tis over mickle
Page No:
pp. 159-60
Poem Title:
To My Much-Esteemed Friend Mr. J. N. on His Reading the first lines of Pindar
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Ah Jack had thou been the other day
Page No:
pp. 161-71
Poem Title:
A Dialogue Between Jack and Dick, Concerning the Prohibition of French Wines.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Soar now my muse to an unusual flight
Page No:
pp. 172-4
Poem Title:
To Clarinda on her Incomparable Painting and Wax-work. Written Septemb. 1686.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Peace doting wretch for ever cease thy faith
Page No:
Poem Title:
A Young Man to an Old Woman, Courting him. In Imitation of a Modern Author.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Tempt me not with your face that's fair
Page No:
pp. 177-8
Poem Title:
To Clarinda. A Song.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
By no discovery have I ever revealed
Page No:
pp. 179-4
Poem Title:
On His Secret Passion For Cosmelia.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Tis true Clarinda once I did resign
Page No:
pp. 185-6
Poem Title:
To Clarinda, on His Deserting her, and loving Cosinelia.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Farewell fair mistress of my chief desires
Page No:
pp. 187-8
Poem Title:
To Cosmelia, on Her Departure into the Countrey,.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Sweet fading flower that with the sun's uprise
Page No:
pp. 188-9
Poem Title:
On a Rose sticking on a Ladies Breast.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Happy the hand which to our longing sight
Page No:
pp. 190-1
Poem Title:
On the Most Charming Galecia's Picture.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Too rigid too censorious and severe
Page No:
pp. 192-4
Poem Title:
The Young Lover's Advocate: Being An Answer to a Copy of Verses.
'Written by Galaecia to her Young Lover on his Vow.'
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Could I the censure of each critic dread
Page No:
pp. 194-6
Poem Title:
To my Ingenious Friend, Mrs. Jane Barker, On My Publishing her Romance of Scipina.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Since oh ye powers it is by your decree
Page No:
pp. 197-8
Poem Title:
A Batchelor's Life, in pursuit of Mrs. Barker's Verses in Praise of a Single Life.
'By the Author of the Ten preceding Copies.'
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Happy the man thrice happy be
Page No:
p. 199
Poem Title:
The Exchange of Hearts. A Song. By the same. Being an Answer to a Song in the 81st Page of the First Part.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Scarce had the prancing coursers of the world
Page No:
pp. 200-3
Poem Title:
Upon a Flock of Gold-Finches Seen in the Morning.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Nor needs he slender verse his mighty flame
Page No:
pp. 204-7
Poem Title:
The Poet's Answer to One, Complaining of their Negligence, in not Writing the Duke of Buckingham's Elegy.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Where shall I find a close concealed abode
Page No:
pp. 207-9
Poem Title:
Psalm the CXXXIX. Paraphras'd from Verse the 7. to Verse the 13.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
A lowly swain loved a proud nymph in vain
Page No:
pp. 210-18
Poem Title:
A Pastoral, In Imitation of Virgil's Second Eclogue.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Yet let me one more youthful tale rehearse
Page No:
pp. 219-25
Poem Title:
The Fourth Elegy of Cornelius Gallus, of the Miseries of Old Age. Made English.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
My love to thee no beauty shall betray
Page No:
pp. 226-7
Poem Title:
To my Mistriss. Translated out of Tibullus.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Close by a silver rivulet
Page No:
pp. 228-30
Poem Title:
The Agreement.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Damon to Sylvia when alone
Page No:
pp. 231-2
Poem Title:
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
The air was calm the sky serene and clear
Page No:
pp. 232-3
Poem Title:
The Innocent Discovery.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Oh use me gently since I am your slave
Page No:
pp. 234-5
Poem Title:
The Petition. A Song.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Thou knowest my fair how much I love
Page No:
pp. 235-6
Poem Title:
Fate. A Song.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Me in the church tis true you often see
Page No:
pp. 237-9
Poem Title:
My Religion.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Oh take not this sweet kiss so soon away
Page No:
pp. 239-40
Poem Title:
The Kiss.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
In vain I strive with business to remove
Page No:
p. 241
Poem Title:
The Wrack.
'Set by Mr. G. Hart.'
Attributed To:
G. Hart
First Line:
What equal thanks what gratitude is due
Page No:
pp. 242-4
Poem Title:
To Mr P. Berault upon his French Grammar.
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Evadne I must tell you so
Page No:
p. 245
Poem Title:
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Evadne I must let you know
Page No:
p. 246
Poem Title:
The same Song Inverted.
'By Mr. Walker.'
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
An amorous little swain
Page No:
pp. 247-54
Poem Title:
A Paraphrase on the 23d Idyll. of Theocritus, from the beginning to [Greek epitaph]
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Fortune thou setter up of kings
Page No:
pp. 255-8
Poem Title:
Chorus 1. Of Seneca's Agamemnon.
'The Five following Copies done by Mr. C. G. of Aeton-Colledge.'
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
By heaven tis scarce ten days ago
Page No:
pp. 259-61
Poem Title:
The Penitent.
'The Five following Copies done by Mr. C. G. of Aeton-Colledge.'
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Oh cruel proud and fair
Page No:
pp. 262-3
Poem Title:
To Duserastes.
'The Five following Copies done by Mr. C. G. of Aeton-Colledge.'
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Why do you vex me with continual fears
Page No:
pp. 263-5
Poem Title:
The Vow.
'The Five following Copies done by Mr. C. G. of Aeton-Colledge.'
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
No more he's gone with angel's wings he fled
Page No:
pp. 265-8
Poem Title:
An Elegy on King Charles the Second, who dyed of an Apoplexy.
'The Five following Copies done by Mr. C. G. of Aeton-Colledge.'
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Keep now my muse the great pindaric road
Page No:
pp. 269-79
Poem Title:
A Dithyrambique, Made just before the King and Queen Went to Their Coronation.
'The Five following Copies done by Mr. C. G. of Aeton-Colledge.'
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Great sir | your presence still we would implore
Page No:
pp. 280-3
Poem Title:
To Their Graces, The Duke and Dutchess of Albemarle, Upon Their Voyage for Jamaica.
'The Five following Copies done by Mr. C. G. of Aeton-Colledge.'
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
Go sparkling ring my fair one's finger bind
Page No:
pp. 283-4
Poem Title:
Ovid. Amor. lib. 2. Eleg. 15. A Ring Presented to his Mistress.
'The Five following Copies done by Mr. C. G. of Aeton-Colledge.'
Attributed To:
Not attributed
First Line:
This for an hundred pounds engaged to me
Page No:
p. 285.0
Poem Title:
To Afer. Martial. epig. 31. lib 4.
The Five following Copies done by Mr. C. G. of Aeton-Colledge
Attributed To:
Not attributed