Select Epitaphs [Vol. 1] [ESTC T137253]
- DMI number:
- 841
- Publication Date:
- 1755
- Volume Number:
- 1 of 2
- ESTC number:
- T137253
- EEBO/ECCO link:
- CW106241983
- Shelfmark:
- BL 143.a.25
- Full Title:
- SELECT | EPITAPHS. | COLLECTED BY | W. TOLDERVY. | VOL. I. | [epigraphs] | [ornament] | [i]LONDON:[/i] | Printed for W. OWEN, [i]Temple-Bar:[/i] And Sold by R. | and J. DODSLEY, A. MILLAR, J. JOLLIFFE, and | T. WALLER. | [rule] | M,DCC,LV.
- Epigraph:
- [i]Mors etiam saxis, nominabusque venit.[/i] | AUSONIUS. Nor Man alone; his breathing Bust expires, | His Tomb is Mortal; Empires die: where now | The [i]Roman? Greek?[/i] they stalk an empty Name! | Yet few regard them in this useful Light; | Tho' half our Learning is their [i]Epitaph.[/i] | Dr. YOUNG.
- Place of Publication:
- London
- Genres:
- Collection of 16th century verse, Collection of 17th century verse, Collection of elegies, and Collection of poems about subject/person
- Format:
- Duodecimo
- Pagination:
- [16], [1]-216
- Bibliographic details:
- ANNOTATION: Signature on verso of t.p.: 'W. Musgrave'
- Comments:
- CONTENTS: Contains inscriptions and poems. PLATES: Frontispiece (Boitard after Worlidge)
- Other matter:
- Prefatory matter: Plate [1p.], Preface [4pp.], Indexes [18pp.], Errata [1p.]
- References:
- See Thomas Keymer 'William Toldervy and the Origins of Smart's a Translation of the Psalms of David' Review of English Studies (2003) 54(213): 52-66 doi:10.1093/res/54.213.52
- Title:
- Select Epitaphs [Vol. 2] [ESTC T137253]
- Publication Date:
- 1755
- ESTC No:
- T137253
- Volume:
- 2 of 2
- Relationship:
- Part of a Series
- Comments:
- Editor:
- W. Toldervy
- Confidence:
- Absolute (100%)
- Comments:
- Engraver:
- Louis-Phillippe Boitard
- Confidence:
- Absolute (100%)
- Comments:
- Frontispiece signed 'Boitard Sculp.'
- Publisher:
- William Owen
- Confidence:
- Absolute (100%)
- Comments:
- Sold by:
- Andrew Millar
- Confidence:
- Confident (50%)
- Comments:
- Imprint reads "A. Millar"
- Sold by:
- James Dodsley
- Confidence:
- Confident (50%)
- Comments:
- Imprint on title page reads "Printed for R. and J. Dodsley"
- Sold by:
- John Jolliffe
- Confidence:
- Confident (50%)
- Comments:
- Imprint reads "J. Jolliffe"
- Sold by:
- Robert Dodsley
- Confidence:
- Confident (50%)
- Comments:
- Imprint on title page reads "Printed for R. and J. Dodsley"
- Sold by:
- T Waller
- Confidence:
- Absolute (100%)
- Comments:
- First Line:
- He that the sturdy Normans ruled
- Page No:
- p.3
- Poem Title:
- On King William the Conqueror.
- Attribution:
- By Thomas, Archbishop of York.
- Attributed To:
- Thomas of Bayeux
- First Line:
- Although my corpse it lies in grave
- Page No:
- pp.4-5
- Poem Title:
- On Hugh Lupus, first Earl of Chester, who died in the Year 1102.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- If conquered realms or power from death could save
- Page No:
- p.5
- Poem Title:
- On King Henry II.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Whoso thou be that passeth by
- Page No:
- pp.6-8
- Poem Title:
- On Edward, the Black Prince.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Here under lieth a man of fame
- Page No:
- pp.9-10
- Poem Title:
- On Sir William Walworth, Knt.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- In the year of Christ one thousand four hundred full true with four and sixteen
- Page No:
- p.10
- Poem Title:
- On Richard Skypwith.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Here great and good duke Henry buried lies
- Page No:
- pp.11-12
- Poem Title:
- On Henry, Duke of Brunswick, &c.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Come Alecto and lend me thy torch
- Page No:
- p.17
- Poem Title:
- On Joseph Skelton.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Thy fame great Wyatt shall by all be read
- Page No:
- p.19
- Poem Title:
- On Sir Thomas Wiat, the Elder.
- Attribution:
- By the Earl of Surrey, 1541.
- Attributed To:
- Henry Howard
- First Line:
- Willingly have I sought and willingly have I found
- Page No:
- p.19
- Poem Title:
- On Sir Charles Blount, Lord Montjoy.
- Attribution:
- 'This Epitaph was made by himself' ie. Charles Blount
- Attributed To:
- Charles Blount
- First Line:
- Norfolk sprung thee Lambeth holds thee dead
- Page No:
- pp.20-21
- Poem Title:
- Epitaphium Thomae Clere, qui fato functus est, 1545.
- Attribution:
- Henrico Howard, Comite Surrey.
- Attributed To:
- Henry Howard
- First Line:
- Death first did strike Sir John here tombed in clay
- Page No:
- p.22
- Poem Title:
- On Sir John Pelham, Knt.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- His valours proof her manly virtues praise
- Page No:
- p.22
- Poem Title:
- On Sir Nicholas Pelham, Knt.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- If birth illustrious or if beauty's pride
- Page No:
- pp.36-37
- Poem Title:
- On Mary, Queen of Scots.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Whether thy choice or chance thee hither brings
- Page No:
- p.39
- Poem Title:
- On Henry the III. late King of France, slain by a Jacobine Fryer, 1589.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Shall honour fame and titles of renown
- Page No:
- pp.41-42
- Poem Title:
- On Sir Francis Walsingham, Knt.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- England Netherlands the heavens and the arts
- Page No:
- p.42
- Poem Title:
- On Sir Philip Sydney, Knt.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Such as she is such surely shall ye be
- Page No:
- pp.42-43
- Poem Title:
- On Lady Lucy Latimer. In Memory of the Right Honourable The Lady Lucy Latimer.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Marble weep for thou dost cover
- Page No:
- pp.51-52
- Poem Title:
- On Margaret Ratcliffe.
- Attribution:
- By Ben Johnson.
- Attributed To:
- Benjamin Jonson
- First Line:
- Underneath this sable hearse
- Page No:
- p.52
- Poem Title:
- On the Countess-Dowager of Pembroke, Sister to Sir Philip Sydney.
- Attribution:
- By Ben Johnson.
- Attributed To:
- Benjamin Jonson
- First Line:
- Weep with me all you that read
- Page No:
- p.53
- Poem Title:
- On S--- P---, a Child of Queen Elizabeth's Chappel.
- Attribution:
- By Ben Johnson.
- Attributed To:
- Benjamin Jonson
- First Line:
- Here lies to each her parents ruth
- Page No:
- pp.54-55
- Poem Title:
- On his First Daughter.
- Attribution:
- By Ben Johnson.
- Attributed To:
- Benjamin Jonson
- First Line:
- Wouldst thou hear what man can say
- Page No:
- p.54
- Poem Title:
- On Elizabeth, L--- H---.
- Attribution:
- By Ben Johnson.
- Attributed To:
- Benjamin Jonson
- First Line:
- In place of scutcheons that should deck thy hearse
- Page No:
- p.55
- Poem Title:
- On Sir John Roe.
- Attribution:
- By Ben Johnson.
- Attributed To:
- Benjamin Jonson
- First Line:
- What two brave perils of the private sword
- Page No:
- pp.55-56
- Poem Title:
- On the same.
- Attribution:
- By the same. [i.e. Jonson]
- Attributed To:
- Benjamin Jonson
- First Line:
- Farewell thou child of my right hand and joy
- Page No:
- p.56
- Poem Title:
- On his First Sonne.
- Attribution:
- By Ben Johnson.
- Attributed To:
- Benjamin Jonson
- First Line:
- I'll not offend thee with a vain tear more
- Page No:
- p.56
- Poem Title:
- On the same.
- Attribution:
- By the same. [i.e. Jonson]
- Attributed To:
- Benjamin Jonson
- First Line:
- His name his place the gentry of his birth
- Page No:
- p.57
- Poem Title:
- On Edward Saunders.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Learn curious reader ere you pass
- Page No:
- p.58
- Poem Title:
- On Sir Edward Denny.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Gurney Hampton Cradock Newton last
- Page No:
- p.59
- Poem Title:
- [No title]
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Beauty itself lies here in whom alone
- Page No:
- p.59
- Poem Title:
- On the Lady Venutian Digby.
- Attribution:
- By T. Randolph.
- Attributed To:
- Thomas Randolph
- First Line:
- Reader if thou hast a tear
- Page No:
- pp.59-60
- Poem Title:
- On Mrs. J--- T---.
- Attribution:
- By T. Randolph.
- Attributed To:
- Thomas Randolph
- First Line:
- Here lies the knowing head the honest heart
- Page No:
- pp.60-61
- Poem Title:
- On Mr. Warre.
- Attribution:
- By T. Randolph.
- Attributed To:
- Thomas Randolph
- First Line:
- Posterity hath many fates bemoaned
- Page No:
- p.61
- Poem Title:
- On Sir Robert Cotton, the Antiquary.
- Attribution:
- By T. Randolph.
- Attributed To:
- Thomas Randolph
- First Line:
- Here lies his frailty
- Page No:
- pp.62-63
- Poem Title:
- On - Inglethorp.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- If royal virtues ever crowned a crown
- Page No:
- p.65
- Poem Title:
- On the same.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Spain's rod Rome's ruin Netherlands relief
- Page No:
- p.65
- Poem Title:
- [No title]
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- When Vere sought death armed with his sword and shield
- Page No:
- p.72
- Poem Title:
- On Sir Francis Vere, Knt.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- What epitaph shall we afford this shrine
- Page No:
- p.77
- Poem Title:
- On Katherine Montague.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Good friend for Jesus sake forbear
- Page No:
- pp.79-80
- Poem Title:
- On William Shakespear.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- What needs my Shakespeare for his honoured bones
- Page No:
- p.80
- Poem Title:
- On the same.
- Attribution:
- By John Milton.
- Attributed To:
- John Milton
- First Line:
- Great Homer's birth seven rival cities claim
- Page No:
- pp.81-82
- Poem Title:
- On the same.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- The cloud capped towers
- Page No:
- p.81
- Poem Title:
- [no title]
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Reader wonder think it none
- Page No:
- p.84
- Poem Title:
- On Prince Henry, Son to King James the First.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- If wise amazed depart this holy grave
- Page No:
- pp.84-85
- Poem Title:
- On the same.
- Attribution:
- By Mr. Giles Fletcher, of Trinity-College, Cambridge.
- Attributed To:
- Giles Fletcher
- First Line:
- Modest humble godly wise
- Page No:
- p.88
- Poem Title:
- [no title]
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- March with his wind hath a struck a cedar tall
- Page No:
- p.89
- Poem Title:
- On the same.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Thee to invite the great God sent a star
- Page No:
- p.89
- Poem Title:
- On the same.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Now measured out my days tis here I rest
- Page No:
- p.92
- Poem Title:
- On Sir Thomas Overbury.
- Attribution:
- By himself.
- Attributed To:
- Sir Thomas Overbury
- First Line:
- Here she lies whose spotless fame
- Page No:
- p.94
- Poem Title:
- On Anne Littleton.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Sweet babe whose birth inspired me with a song
- Page No:
- p.96
- Poem Title:
- On the Earle of Coventrye.
- Attribution:
- By Sir John Beaumont.
- Attributed To:
- Sir John Beaumont
- First Line:
- A nymph is dead mild virtuous young and fair
- Page No:
- p.97
- Poem Title:
- On Mistriss Elizabeth Nevill.
- Attribution:
- By Sir John Beaumont.
- Attributed To:
- Sir John Beaumont
- First Line:
- To frame a man who in those gifts excels
- Page No:
- pp.97-98
- Poem Title:
- On his noble Friend Sir William Skipwith.
- Attribution:
- By Sir John Beaumont.
- Attributed To:
- Sir John Beaumont
- First Line:
- On death thy murderer this revenge I take
- Page No:
- p.98
- Poem Title:
- On his deare Brother Francis Beaumont.
- Attribution:
- By Sir John Beaumont.
- Attributed To:
- Sir John Beaumont
- First Line:
- Can I who have for others oft compiled
- Page No:
- p.99
- Poem Title:
- On his deare Sonne Gervase Beaumont.
- Attribution:
- By Sir John Beaumont.
- Attributed To:
- Sir John Beaumont
- First Line:
- Dead is the hope of Stafford in whose line
- Page No:
- pp.99-100
- Poem Title:
- On the Honourable Edward Stafford, Sonne and Heire of the Lord Stafford.
- Attribution:
- By Sir John Beaumont.
- Attributed To:
- Sir John Beaumont
- First Line:
- Here lies a soldier who in youth desired
- Page No:
- p.101
- Poem Title:
- On that hopeful young Gentleman, the Lord Wriothesley.
- Attribution:
- By Sir John Beaumont.
- Attributed To:
- Sir John Beaumont
- First Line:
- Stay gentle reader pass not slightly by
- Page No:
- pp.106-107
- Poem Title:
- [No title]
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Do pious marble let thy readers know
- Page No:
- p.114
- Poem Title:
- On Michael Draiton.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Rare virtues feature every grace
- Page No:
- p.115
- Poem Title:
- [No title]
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Stand soldiers ere you march by way of charge
- Page No:
- p.116
- Poem Title:
- [No title]
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Look in this vault and search it well
- Page No:
- pp.117-118
- Poem Title:
- On Lettice, Countess of Leicester.
- Attribution:
- Gervas Clifton.
- Attributed To:
- Gervas Clifton
- First Line:
- If chastity commends a wife
- Page No:
- pp.124-125
- Poem Title:
- On Marion Gray.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Reader stand back dull not this marble shrine
- Page No:
- p.124
- Poem Title:
- On Anne Burton.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- He that will give my grace but what is hers
- Page No:
- p.131
- Poem Title:
- On Grace Scot.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Within this hollow vault here rests the fame
- Page No:
- pp.132-133
- Poem Title:
- On James Rivers, Esq;
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Here lies wise and valiant dust
- Page No:
- pp.143-144
- Poem Title:
- On the Earl of Strafford.
- Attribution:
- By John Cleveland.
- Attributed To:
- John Cleveland
- First Line:
- The muses fairest light in no dark time
- Page No:
- p.143
- Poem Title:
- On Ben Jonson.
- Attribution:
- By John Cleveland.
- Attributed To:
- John Cleveland
- First Line:
- Stay passenger behold and see
- Page No:
- pp.144-145
- Poem Title:
- On King Charles the First.
- Attribution:
- By John Cleveland.
- Attributed To:
- John Cleveland
- First Line:
- Great good and just could I but rate
- Page No:
- pp.145-146
- Poem Title:
- On the same.
- Attribution:
- Montrose. Written with the Point of his Sword.
- Attributed To:
- James Graham
- First Line:
- As Dudley lodgeth here peace idle fame
- Page No:
- pp.151-152
- Poem Title:
- On Christopher Dudley, Esq;
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- The love of God of church and king
- Page No:
- p.151
- Poem Title:
- On Thomas Burman, Esq;
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Here lies Charles Ca'ndish let the marble stone
- Page No:
- pp.157-158
- Poem Title:
- On Colonel Charles Cavendish, younger Son of William, Earl of Devonshire, slain at Gainsborough 1643, in the 23rd Year of his Age.
- Attribution:
- By Mr. Waller.
- Attributed To:
- Edmund Waller
- First Line:
- Under this stone lies virtue youth
- Page No:
- pp.158-159
- Poem Title:
- On Sir George Speke.
- Attribution:
- By Mr. Waller.
- Attributed To:
- Edmund Waller
- First Line:
- Here lies the learned Saville's heir
- Page No:
- pp.160-161
- Poem Title:
- On the Lady Sedley, Mother to Sir Charles Sedley.
- Attribution:
- By Mr. Waller.
- Attributed To:
- Edmund Waller
- First Line:
- Tis fit the English reader should be told
- Page No:
- pp.161-162
- Poem Title:
- On Master Howard, Son to Lord Viscount Andover.
- Attribution:
- By Mr. Waller.
- Attributed To:
- Edmund Waller
- First Line:
- Great soul for whom death will no longer stay
- Page No:
- p.162
- Poem Title:
- [No title]
- Attribution:
- By the same [i.e. Waller]
- Attributed To:
- Edmund Waller
- First Line:
- Hence and make room for me all you who come
- Page No:
- pp.162-164
- Poem Title:
- On Mr. Jordan, Second Master of Westminster-School.
- Attribution:
- By Abraham Cowley.
- Attributed To:
- Abraham Cowley
- First Line:
- What shall we say since silent now is he
- Page No:
- pp.164-165
- Poem Title:
- On Sir Henry Wootton.
- Attribution:
- By Abraham Cowley.
- Attributed To:
- Abraham Cowley
- First Line:
- From life's superfluous cares enlarged
- Page No:
- pp.169-170
- Poem Title:
- On Abraham Cowley.
- Attribution:
- By Mr. Addison.
- Attributed To:
- Joseph Addison
- First Line:
- Under this stone doth lie
- Page No:
- pp.170-172
- Poem Title:
- On Lord Fairfax.
- Attribution:
- By George, Duke of Buckingham.
- Attributed To:
- George Villiers
- First Line:
- Stay traveler for all you want is near
- Page No:
- p.176
- Poem Title:
- On Cardinal Richlieu
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Seek not reader here to find
- Page No:
- p.177
- Poem Title:
- On Gustavus Adolphus, King of Sweden.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Upon this place the great Gustavus died
- Page No:
- p.177
- Poem Title:
- On the same.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Are all diseases dead or will death say
- Page No:
- p.178
- Poem Title:
- On the Duke of Richmond and Lenox.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Hold passenger here's shrouded in this hearse
- Page No:
- pp.178-179
- Poem Title:
- On Richard Pendrell.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Within this marble monument doth lie
- Page No:
- pp.179-180
- Poem Title:
- On Captain Nicholas Tettersell.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Enough and leave the rest to fame
- Page No:
- pp.199-200
- Poem Title:
- [No title]
- Attribution:
- By Andrew Marvell.
- Attributed To:
- Andrew Marvell
- First Line:
- Reader pay thy tribute here
- Page No:
- p.215
- Poem Title:
- On Lucia Smith.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Here lies a proof that wit can never be
- Page No:
- p.216
- Poem Title:
- On Aphra Behn.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
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