Vital spark of heavenly flame
- DMI number:
- 21289
- Confidence:
- Absolute (100%)
- Evidence:
- First Line:
- Vital spark of heavenly flame
- Last Line:
- Oh death where is thy sting
- Poem Genre / Form:
- Sestet aabbcc
- Themes:
- Death and Heaven
- Author:
- Alexander Pope
- Confidence:
- Absolute (100%)
- Comments:
- Twickenham edition VI: 94.
- First Line:
- Vital spark of heavenly flame
- Last Line:
- Then wake with transport at the sound
- Relationship:
- Variant Of
- Comments:
- First Line:
- Thinking unseen essence go
- Last Line:
- Each planet and each sphere
- Relationship:
- Answer To/Answered By
- Comments:
- Title:
- A collection of poems for reading and repetition selected from the most celebrated British poets [ESTC T119516] [ECCO]
- Page No(s):
- p.26
- Poem Title:
- The Dying Christian to his Soul.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- Title:
- Select lessons in prose and verse from various authors [N21758] [ecco]
- Page No(s):
- pp.119-120
- Poem Title:
- The Dying Christian to his Soul.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- Title:
- Select lessons in prose and verse from various authors [T119230] [ecco]
- Page No(s):
- p.117
- Poem Title:
- The Dying Christian to his Soul.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- Title:
- Select lessons in prose and verse from various authors [T133650] [ecco]
- Page No(s):
- pp.116-117
- Poem Title:
- The Dying Christian to his Soul.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- Title:
- Select lessons in prose and verse from various authors [T147647] [ecco]
- Page No(s):
- p.119
- Poem Title:
- The Dying Christian to his Soul.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- Title:
- Select lessons in prose and verse from various authors [T147696] [ecco]
- Page No(s):
- pp.129-130
- Poem Title:
- The Dying Christian to his Soul.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- Title:
- Select lessons in prose and verse from various authors [T78289] [ecco]
- Page No(s):
- pp.129-130
- Poem Title:
- The Dying Christian to his Soul.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- Title:
- Select lessons in verse and prose from various authors designed for the improvement of youth [T78290]
- Page No(s):
- pp.129-130
- Poem Title:
- The Dying Christian to his Soul.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- Title:
- The Edinburgh Entertainer [T128711]
- Page No(s):
- p.324
- Poem Title:
- The dying Christian to his soul. Ode.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- Title:
- A Collection of Poems, From the Best Authors: Adapted to every age, but peculiarly designed to form the Taste of Youth. [T78176] [ECCO]
- Page No(s):
- p.231
- Poem Title:
- XXXII. The dying Christian to his soul.
- Attribution:
- by Pope. [Contents page]
- Attributed To:
- Alexander Pope
- Title:
- A select collection of modern poems [ESTC N21693]
- Page No(s):
- p.73
- Poem Title:
- The Dying Christian to his Soul. An Ode.
- Attribution:
- By Mr Pope.
- Attributed To:
- Alexander Pope
- Title:
- A select collection of modern poems [ESTC T53676]
- Page No(s):
- p.116
- Poem Title:
- The Dying Christian to his Soul, Ode.
- Attribution:
- By Mr. Pope. [contents page]
- Attributed To:
- Alexander Pope
- Title:
- A select collection of modern poems [N21691]
- Page No(s):
- p.118
- Poem Title:
- The Dying Christian to his Soul. Ode.
- Attribution:
- By Mr. Pope.
- Attributed To:
- Alexander Pope
- Title:
- A select collection of modern poems moral and philosophical [T62266]
- Page No(s):
- p.126
- Poem Title:
- The Dying Christian to his Soul. Ode.
- Attribution:
- Pope. [contents page]
- Attributed To:
- Alexander Pope
- Title:
- Miscellaneous pieces consisting of select poetry, methods of improvement in husbandry, gardening, and various other subjects useful to families [2nd ed] [T127413] [ecco]
- Page No(s):
- p.48
- Poem Title:
- The dying Christian to his Soul. An Ode.
- Attribution:
- By Mr. Pope.
- Attributed To:
- Alexander Pope
- Title:
- Miscellaneous pieces consisting of select poetry, methods of improvement in husbandry, gardening, and various other subjects useful to families [3rd ed] [39 parts] [T112124] [ecco]
- Page No(s):
- p.48
- Poem Title:
- The dying Christian to his Soul.
- Attribution:
- By Mr. Pope.
- Attributed To:
- Alexander Pope
- Title:
- Miscellaneous pieces consisting of select poetry, methods of improvement in husbandry, gardening, and various other subjects useful to families [4thed] [T199384] [ecco]
- Page No(s):
- p.48
- Poem Title:
- The dying Christian to his Soul. An Ode.
- Attribution:
- By Mr. Pope.
- Attributed To:
- Alexander Pope
- Title:
- Miscellaneous pieces consisting of select poetry, methods of improvement in husbandry, gardening, and various other subjects useful to families [T125628] [ecco]
- Page No(s):
- p.48
- Poem Title:
- The dying Christian to his Soul. An Ode.
- Attribution:
- By Mr. Pope.
- Attributed To:
- Alexander Pope
- Title:
- Poems on moral and divine subjects by several celebrated English poets [T121853]
- Page No(s):
- pp.374-375
- Poem Title:
- The Dying Christian To His Soul. Ode.
- Attribution:
- Pope.
- Attributed To:
- Alexander Pope
- Title:
- Sacred poems or a collection of translations and paraphrases from the holy scriptures [N21358] [ecco]
- Page No(s):
- p.83
- Poem Title:
- The Dying Christian to his Soul. Ode.
- Attribution:
- By Mr. Pope.
- Attributed To:
- Alexander Pope
- Title:
- The art of poetry made easy, [...]: being the seventh volume of the Circle of the sciences [T120153]
- Page No(s):
- pp.95-96
- Poem Title:
- The dying Christian to his Soul.
- Attribution:
- Mr. Pope's
- Attributed To:
- Alexander Pope
- Title:
- The seraph. A collection of divine hymns and poems. From the best authors [ECCO] [T74891]
- Page No(s):
- pp.118-119
- Poem Title:
- The dying Christian to his Soul. Ode.
- Attribution:
- By the same. [i.e. Pope]
- Attributed To:
- Alexander Pope
- Title:
- The seraph. A collection of divine hymns and poems. From the best authors [T175623]
- Page No(s):
- pp.118-119
- Poem Title:
- The dying Christian to his Soul. Ode.
- Attribution:
- By the same. [i.e. Pope]
- Attributed To:
- Alexander Pope
Poem Aliases
Pope. Dying Christian to his soul.
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