While over thy hearse with sad surprize
- DMI number:
- 10085
- First Line:
- While over thy hearse with sad surprize
- Last Line:
- Dost with the same applause retire
- Poem Genre / Form:
- Quatrain abab and Elegy
- Themes:
- Death and Poetry / literature / writing
- Author:
- Thomas Newcomb
- Confidence:
- Confident (50%)
- Comments:
- Title:
- Musarum Lachrymae: or, poems to the memory of Nicholas Rowe, esq [T41623]
- Page No(s):
- pp.41-62
- Poem Title:
- An Ode Sacred to the Memory of N. Rowe, Esq;
- Attribution:
- T. Newcomb
- Attributed To:
- Thomas Newcomb
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