Whig and Tory or wit on both sides [T116470]
- DMI number:
- 480
- Confidence:
- Absolute (100%)
- Evidence:
- Publication Date:
- 1712
- Volume Number:
- 1 of 1
- ESTC number:
- T116470
- EEBO/ECCO link:
- CW111942717
- Shelfmark:
- BOD Vet A4 e.1192
- Full Title:
- [i]WHIG[/i] and [i]TORY:[/i] | OR, | [i]Wit on both Sides.[/i] | [rule] | BEING A | COLLECTION | OF | POEMS, | BY THE | Ablest Pens of the HIGH and | LOW Parties, | UPON THE | Most Remarkable OCCASIONS, from | the Change of the MINISTRY, to this | Time. | [rule] | [i]LONDON[/i] | Printed, and Sold by the Booksellers, 1712.
- Place of Publication:
- London
- Genres:
- Made-up miscellany and Political miscellany
- Format:
- Octavo
- Pagination:
- [4] 3-40, 3-40, 3-40, 3-44. p. 17 of part one is misnumbered 71.
- Bibliographic details:
- This is a reissue of the first four parts of 'A collection of poems for and against Dr. Sacheverell' (T60, T61, T62, T63). Thus neither the pagination nor the gathering signatures are continuous. A new title has been printed (two leaves) and the title pages of the original Sacheverell titles have been cut out. Gathering F of the fourth part is an addition - pagination continues but it follows a FINIS. BOD Harding C 157 is a variant copy of T116470. It only contains the first three parts of the (T60, T61, T62, followed by the additional quire F which comes at the end of T116470 and T177552). The copy at Yale is apparently in a similar condition; the British Library has another 'perfect' copy.
- Comments:
- Contents: Part 2 pp. 36-40, Part 3 pp. 37-40 and Part 4 pp. 37-40 are prose.
- Other matter:
- Prefatory matter: Short two-page preface, declaring that "some few [poems] have appear'd more openly in print, and others were never before divulg'd" - particularly notable because this is a reissue of printed sheets several years old.
- References:
- Case 254.
- Title:
- A collection of poems &c. for and against Dr. Sacheverell. The fourth part [T63]
- Publication Date:
- 1711
- ESTC No:
- T63
- Volume:
- 4 of 4
- Relationship:
- Reissue
- Comments:
- Title:
- A collection of poems for and against Dr. Sacheverell [vol. I] [T60]
- Publication Date:
- 1710
- ESTC No:
- T60
- Volume:
- 1 of 4
- Relationship:
- Reissue
- Comments:
- Title:
- A collection of poems, &c. for and against Dr. Sacheverell. The third part. [T62]
- Publication Date:
- 1710
- ESTC No:
- T62
- Volume:
- 3 of 3
- Relationship:
- Reissue
- Comments:
- Title:
- A collection of poems, &c., for and against Dr. Sacheverell [vol. II] [T61]
- Publication Date:
- 1710
- ESTC No:
- T61
- Volume:
- 2 of 4
- Relationship:
- Reissue
- Comments:
- Title:
- A Collection of Poems, &c. For and Against Dr. Sacheverell [vol. IV] [ECCO] [N27956]
- Publication Date:
- 1710
- ESTC No:
- N27956
- Volume:
- 4 of 4
- Relationship:
- Unknown
- Comments:
- Title:
- A Collection of Poems, For and Against Dr. Sacheverell [ECCO] [T176910]
- Publication Date:
- 1710
- ESTC No:
- T176910
- Volume:
- 1 of 1
- Relationship:
- Unknown
- Comments:
- Title:
- A Collection of Poems, For and Against Dr. Sacheverell [T167514]
- Publication Date:
- 1710
- ESTC No:
- T167514
- Volume:
- 1 of 1
- Relationship:
- Unknown
- Comments:
- Title:
- A Tory pill to purge Whig Melancholy [ECCO] [T226312]
- Publication Date:
- 1715
- ESTC No:
- T226312
- Volume:
- 1 of 1
- Relationship:
- Unknown
- Comments:
- Title:
- A Tory Pill to Purge Whig Melancholy [T178177]
- Publication Date:
- 1715
- ESTC No:
- T178177
- Volume:
- 1 of 1
- Relationship:
- Unknown
- Comments:
- Title:
- Tory pills to purge whig melancholy [T51480]
- Publication Date:
- 1715
- ESTC No:
- T51480
- Volume:
- 1 of 1
- Relationship:
- Unknown
- Comments:
- Title:
- Whig and Tory or wit on both sides [T177552]
- Publication Date:
- 1713
- ESTC No:
- T177552
- Volume:
- 1 of 1
- Relationship:
- Reissue
- Comments:
- First Line:
- How at the other b-----r to try a priest
- Page No:
- pp.3-4
- Poem Title:
- Said to be dropt in the House of C-----s.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- O A--a see the prelude is begun
- Page No:
- p.3
- Poem Title:
- Said to be found upon a Great Lady's Toylet.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- When the twenty brave pleaders called out of the throng
- Page No:
- pp.4-6
- Poem Title:
- Salisbury-Steeple revers'd: Or, The turn-spit B----ps.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Invidious whigs since you have made your boast
- Page No:
- pp.7-8
- Poem Title:
- Upon the Burning of Mr. Burges's Pulpit.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- There is a man some modern whigs think fit
- Page No:
- p.7
- Poem Title:
- On Mr. Ho--ly, who says the People are supream Governors, and Monarchs are but their Ministers.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Republicans your tuneful voices raise
- Page No:
- pp.8-9
- Poem Title:
- The Thanksgiving.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- The nation had always some token
- Page No:
- pp.9-11
- Poem Title:
- The History of the Imp------nt: Or, The Nation's gone mad. A new Ballad.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Is John Dolben dead fare him heartily well
- Page No:
- pp.11-13
- Poem Title:
- An Elegy Balladwise on the Death of John Dolben, Esq; who departed this Life at Epsom, on Monday May the 28th, 1710.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- From people pretending to extraordinary zeal
- Page No:
- pp.14-15
- Poem Title:
- A Litany.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Loud blasphemy Jack being stripped by oak royal
- Page No:
- p.14
- Poem Title:
- On Mr. Dolben's Voyage to, and Return from the Indies.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- What is become of the old oath of allegiance
- Page No:
- pp.15-16
- Poem Title:
- Upon the bur---g of Dr. Sac-----ell's Sermons.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Long life to the queen and a prosperous reign
- Page No:
- p.16-71[i.e. 17]
- Poem Title:
- The Church of England's New Toast.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Bold whigs and fanatics now strive to pull down
- Page No:
- pp.71 [i.e. 17]-18
- Poem Title:
- The Doctor Militant: Or, Church Triumphant. To the Tune of Packington's Pound.
- Attribution:
- By N. F. G. Gent.
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Come ye old English huntsmen that love noble sport
- Page No:
- pp.19-22
- Poem Title:
- The Old Pack.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Since monarchs were monarchs it never was known
- Page No:
- pp.22-25
- Poem Title:
- A New Ballad. To the Tune of the Black-Smith.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Tis odd to conceive what a war has been waged
- Page No:
- pp.25-28
- Poem Title:
- The Westminster-Combat.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Weep all you schismatics since he is gone
- Page No:
- pp.28-30
- Poem Title:
- Another Elegy on the Death of John Dolben, Esq; Mannager in chief at the Tryal of Dr. Sacheverell.
- Attribution:
- By Isaac Bickerstaffe, Esq;
- Attributed To:
- Isaac Bickerstaff
- First Line:
- Most humbly sheweth that whereas
- Page No:
- pp.30-31
- Poem Title:
- To th' Learned and Rev'rend Doctor Hoadly, The quaint Petition of the Godly.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- At dead of night when peaceful spirits sleep
- Page No:
- pp.31-32
- Poem Title:
- The Junto.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Buz | So represented have I seen
- Page No:
- p.33
- Poem Title:
- On the French King.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- While faction with its baleful breath proclaims
- Page No:
- pp.33-36
- Poem Title:
- The Save-Alls.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- A woman grown lousy for want of due care
- Page No:
- pp.36-38
- Poem Title:
- All or none.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- O ---- think thou poor unhappy -----
- Page No:
- pp.38-39
- Poem Title:
- Advice to the ------
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- What a pox ails the W---s thus to trouble our peace
- Page No:
- pp.39-40
- Poem Title:
- British Loyalty display'd: Or, The Church in Glory.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- The globe of earth on which we dwell
- Page No:
- p.42
- Poem Title:
- The Grand Tack.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- The calve's head brawny c---- leads the van
- Page No:
- pp.3-6
- Poem Title:
- The Seven Extinguishers.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- When you have a fat parson that's fleshy and new
- Page No:
- pp.6-7
- Poem Title:
- A Receipt to dress a Parson after the newest Fashion; said to be laid under Sir P--- K---'s Plate at a Publick Entertainment, instead of a Bill of Fare.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Since it has lately pleased our new-born state
- Page No:
- pp.8-9
- Poem Title:
- A Copy of Verses, written in a Common-Prayer Book, presented to a Lady in 1644. upon her building a Closet for her Books.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Ye vicars and curates and lecturers all
- Page No:
- pp.9-11
- Poem Title:
- A Copy of Verses in Answer to N. F. G. Gent. To the Tune of Packington's Pound.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Quoth Daniel the doctor to Daniel d'Foe
- Page No:
- pp.11-13
- Poem Title:
- A late Dialogue between Dr. Burgess, and Daniel d'Foe, in a Cyder-Cellar near Billingsgate, concerning the Times.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Now Britons mourn
- Page No:
- pp.13-14
- Poem Title:
- A Ballad on the Junto. To the Tune of Lilly Bullero.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Behold we are come from gloomy shades below
- Page No:
- pp.14-16
- Poem Title:
- The Ghost's Admonition to the M---g-rs.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- From merit unwieldy and overgrown worth
- Page No:
- pp.16-17
- Poem Title:
- A Litany for the Fast.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- A tight and trim vessel
- Page No:
- pp.17-19
- Poem Title:
- A Tale of a Tarr. A new Ballad.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Hail pious days thou most propitious time
- Page No:
- p.20
- Poem Title:
- On the Sentence passed by the House of Lords, on Dr. Sacheverell.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- You Tories now no longer conscience plead
- Page No:
- p.21
- Poem Title:
- On the high-flying Addressers.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- What strange confusion at this time
- Page No:
- pp.22-23
- Poem Title:
- Good Advice, if rightly taken. A Ballad.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Britons take care before it be too late
- Page No:
- p.23
- Poem Title:
- Seasonable Advice.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- When cruel Nero over Rome bore sway
- Page No:
- pp.24-25
- Poem Title:
- The Whig's Idol: Or, The new-fashion'd Loyalty.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- What madness countrymen inspires
- Page No:
- pp.25-26
- Poem Title:
- Horatii Epodon Septimum, Imitated.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Of all the jolly sights the town has shown
- Page No:
- pp.26-31
- Poem Title:
- The Wolf stript of his Shepherd's Clothing, address'd to Dr. Sacheverell.
- Attribution:
- By a Salopian Gentleman.
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- To speak the truth is criminal now
- Page No:
- pp.31-33
- Poem Title:
- An Epigram on Dan. de F--.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Good people all both low and high
- Page No:
- pp.33-35
- Poem Title:
- The Rary-Show, lately brought from the flaming Isle of Moderation, all alive.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Here is to be sold the true water of light
- Page No:
- p.35
- Poem Title:
- On Dr. Sacheverell's Eye-water, lately printed.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- A fox of quality that long
- Page No:
- pp.3-9
- Poem Title:
- The Fox Unkennell'd: Or, The Sham-Memorial.
- Attribution:
- By the Author of the Seven Extinguishers
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- How does it consist with the oath of allegiance
- Page No:
- pp.10-11
- Poem Title:
- The Tryal and Sentence in Poland.
- Attribution:
- By N. F. G.
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Wherever you fought the haughty foes were broke
- Page No:
- p.10
- Poem Title:
- On General Stanhope.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Sir you'll excuse me for inditing
- Page No:
- pp.11-14
- Poem Title:
- A Letter from Mr. Thomas D'Urfey, to a Friend of his in the State, concerning the late Alterations.
- Attribution:
- A Letter from Mr. Thomas D'Urfey
- Attributed To:
- Thomas D'Urfey
- First Line:
- From a senate intent on the good of the nation
- Page No:
- pp.14-17
- Poem Title:
- The W--g's Litany.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- When sovereign commons princes made
- Page No:
- pp.17-19
- Poem Title:
- The Narrative.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- My master Dolben he did well
- Page No:
- p.19
- Poem Title:
- A Copy of Verses spoke by the Bell-Man of St. Margaret's Westminster, last Christmas, under the Window of John Dolben, Esq; one of the Managers against Dr. Henry Sacheverell.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- The queen god preserve heaven's pious vicegerent
- Page No:
- pp.19-20
- Poem Title:
- The Duke of Beaufort's new Toast to the Citizens of London.
- Attribution:
- The Duke of Beaufort's new Toast...
- Attributed To:
- Henry Somerset
- First Line:
- To open all your eyes and let you know
- Page No:
- pp.20-21
- Poem Title:
- Honest Clodd's Advice to his Country-men, how to chuse such Members of Parliament in the next Election, as may preserve their Liberties and Estates.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- No sacred pages never more repine
- Page No:
- pp.21-22
- Poem Title:
- On burning Dr. Sac------ll's Sermon.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Madam look out your title is arraigned
- Page No:
- p.22
- Poem Title:
- Fair Warning.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Monarchs beware your titles they disown
- Page No:
- p.23
- Poem Title:
- An Answer to the Fair Warning.
- Attribution:
- By N. F. G
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- We the hundred and fifty elect of the gown
- Page No:
- pp.23-25
- Poem Title:
- The London Address.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- A nightingale whose warbling tongue
- Page No:
- pp.25-27
- Poem Title:
- The Impeachment.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Ye whigs and dissenters what would you have done
- Page No:
- pp.27-28
- Poem Title:
- High-Church Loyalty. A Song.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- You pinnacle flyers where would you advance
- Page No:
- pp.28-30
- Poem Title:
- An Answer to High-Church Loyalty. A Song.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- You terrestrial low-creepers what do you mean
- Page No:
- pp.30-31
- Poem Title:
- A Reply to the Answer to High-Church Loyalty.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Why now so melancholy Ben
- Page No:
- pp.31-33
- Poem Title:
- Leviathan; or, a Hymn to poor Brother Ben. To the Tune of the Good Old Cause reviv'd.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Good folks I pray have not you heard
- Page No:
- pp.34-36
- Poem Title:
- A new Ballad on a late stroling Doctor. To the old Tune of, Hey Boys! up go we; or what other you please.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Could you at last a commonwealth obtain
- Page No:
- pp.3-4
- Poem Title:
- A Caution to the Whigs.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Whilst weeping Europe bends beneath her ills
- Page No:
- pp.4-5
- Poem Title:
- A Poem to the Earl of Godolphin.
- Attribution:
- By Dr. G----h.
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- We are told by the town that a man of great note
- Page No:
- pp.5-6
- Poem Title:
- On the Oxfordshire Election.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Ben Hoadly Julian Johnson Titus Oates
- Page No:
- pp.6-7
- Poem Title:
- On the voting a Reward to be given Ben Hoadly.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- The year of wonders is arrived
- Page No:
- pp.7-10
- Poem Title:
- The Age of Wonders. To the Tune of Chivy Chase.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Of all the idols of renown
- Page No:
- pp.10-13
- Poem Title:
- On the Cross upon the Cupula.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Dear sisters come see you how fine
- Page No:
- pp.14-16
- Poem Title:
- The Dissenters Triumph: Or, the Rebuilding and Furnishing Dr. Burgess's Meeting-House. To the Tune of, The Scotch Wedding.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- A bailiff and a boatman
- Page No:
- pp.16-17
- Poem Title:
- A humoursom Ditty to Dr. Sacheverell's back Friends.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- St Paul be zealous in good matters saith
- Page No:
- p.18
- Poem Title:
- On our luke-warm Christians.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- By Ebro's streams the British general sat
- Page No:
- p.18-19
- Poem Title:
- The brave English-man: Or, The Vision. Aug. 19. 1710. N. S.
- Attribution:
- By Mr. Adams
- Attributed To:
- Mr. Adams
- First Line:
- From all such as rail at our church's defender
- Page No:
- pp.19-21
- Poem Title:
- The Loyalist's Litany: Or, A Touch of the Times.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Whig's the first word that swells his odious name
- Page No:
- p.19
- Poem Title:
- Accrostick.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Fair lovely courteous dame whoever thou art
- Page No:
- pp.21-22
- Poem Title:
- To the Lady that Dr. Sacheverell shall make Choice of for a Wife.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Is this the man that's now the object made
- Page No:
- p.21
- Poem Title:
- In Imitation of a Speech in the ingenious Mr. Trappe's Tragedy, call'd, Abramule: Or, Love and Empire, in Commendation of Pyrrhus.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Thou who the pangs of my embittered rage
- Page No:
- pp.22-23
- Poem Title:
- The E. of G----n to Dr. G---h, upon the Loss of Miss Dingle: In Return to the Doctor's consolatory Verses to him, upon the Loss of his Rod.
- Attribution:
- Dr. G---h
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- You loyal brave boys who for Pearkes make a noise
- Page No:
- pp.24-26
- Poem Title:
- On the Worcestershire Election.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Resolved that Henry Sacheverell the high-church defender
- Page No:
- pp.26-27
- Poem Title:
- Minutes of the House.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- For shame ye doting fools for shame be wise
- Page No:
- pp.27-28
- Poem Title:
- To the guilty B----ps.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- When the laws of religion and those of the nation
- Page No:
- p.27
- Poem Title:
- On the Policy of the Times.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- As when a fly that goes to bed
- Page No:
- p.28
- Poem Title:
- The Comparison.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- In one sad month two blessed martyrs fell
- Page No:
- p.28
- Poem Title:
- On the late Martyrs of the Church.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Ere Noll did gainst his pious prince rebel
- Page No:
- pp.29-30
- Poem Title:
- Moderation Unmask'd.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Impeached why pray sirs what's the doctor's crime
- Page No:
- pp.30-31
- Poem Title:
- On the Doctor's Impeachment.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- With a phiz that is grave and a sanctified face
- Page No:
- pp.31-32
- Poem Title:
- The Time-server.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- When Lewis the great
- Page No:
- pp.32-34
- Poem Title:
- The French King's Lamentation for the Miscarriage of Monsieur Guiscard. A Song.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- We that farm your honours ground
- Page No:
- pp.34-35
- Poem Title:
- The Husband-mens humble Petition to both Houses of Parliament.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Here's a health to the queen and her faithful adviser
- Page No:
- pp.35-36
- Poem Title:
- A new Toast to the Queen and the Earl of Oxford.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- What frantic madness has possessed mankind
- Page No:
- pp.36-37
- Poem Title:
- A Satyr on the Times, address'd to all the Patrons of the Good Old Cause.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- A Jew and a G-n---l joined both in a trade
- Page No:
- p.41
- Poem Title:
- An Epigram.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- In sounds of joy your tuneful voices raise
- Page No:
- p.41
- Poem Title:
- The Thanksgiving.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Monstrous Avaro urges how can this be
- Page No:
- p.41
- Poem Title:
- The Transubstantiation.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Whig's the first letter of his name
- Page No:
- p.42
- Poem Title:
- Acrostick.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- A German princess once adorned this isle
- Page No:
- p.43
- Poem Title:
- On the German Princess.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- In days of old lived in this bower one whore
- Page No:
- p.43
- Poem Title:
- On a Bower.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- To get a good peace and a flourishing trade
- Page No:
- p.43
- Poem Title:
- Poor England bobb'd at Home and Abroad.
- Attribution:
- By N. F. G. Gent.
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Ye hypocrites leave off your pranks
- Page No:
- p.43
- Poem Title:
- On the 30th of January.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
A collection of poems for and against Dr. Sacheverell
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