Poems on various subjects selected to enforce the practice of virtue [N25819] [ecco]
- DMI number:
- 1273
- Publication Date:
- 1793
- Volume Number:
- 1 of 1
- ESTC number:
- N25819
- EEBO/ECCO link:
- CW116490942
- Shelfmark:
- ECCO - Bod
- Full Title:
- POEMS | ON | VARIOUS SUBJECTS; | SELECTED TO ENFORCE THE | [i]PRACTICE OF VIRTUE[/i]; | AND | With a View to comprise in one Volume | The Beauties of English Poetry. | [double rule] | [i]BY THOMAS TOMKINS.[/i] | [double rule] | THE SEVENTH EDITION. | [double rule] | [epigraph] | [double rule] | [i]LONDON:[/i] | PRINTED BY J. CROWDER, | FOR J. WALLIS, AT YORICK'S HEAD, | LUDGATE-STREET. | [rule] | M,DCC,XCIII.
- Epigraph:
- The pleasing Art of Poetry's design'd | To raise the thought, and moralize the mind; | The shaste delights of virtue to inspire, | And warm the bosom with seraphic fire; | Sublime the passions lend devotion wings, | And celebrate the FIRST GREAT CAUSE Of things.
- Place of Publication:
- London
- Format:
- Duodecimo
- Bibliographic details:
- Half title: [double rule] | POEMS. | [double rule]
- Other matter:
- Prefatory matter: 'To The Public' pp. [v]-vii; Contents pp. [ix]-xi.
- Title:
- Poems on various subjects selected to enforce the practice of virtue [N20962] [ecco]
- Publication Date:
- 1780
- ESTC No:
- N20962
- Volume:
- 1 of 1
- Relationship:
- Another Edition of
- Comments:
- Title:
- Poems on various subjects selected to enforce the practice of virtue [T118368] [ecco]
- Publication Date:
- 1791
- ESTC No:
- T118368
- Volume:
- 1 of 1
- Relationship:
- Another Edition of
- Comments:
- Title:
- Poems on various subjects selected to enforce the practice of virtue [T173552] [ecco]
- Publication Date:
- 1782
- ESTC No:
- T173552
- Volume:
- 1 of 1
- Relationship:
- Another Edition of
- Comments:
- Title:
- Poems on various subjects selected to enforce the practice of virtue [T231611] [ecco]
- Publication Date:
- 1787
- ESTC No:
- T231611
- Volume:
- 1 of 1
- Relationship:
- Another Edition of
- Comments:
- Title:
- Poems on various subjects selected to enforce the practice of virtue [T83109] [ecco]
- Publication Date:
- 1785
- ESTC No:
- T83109
- Volume:
- 1 of 1
- Relationship:
- Another Edition of
- Comments:
- Title:
- The poetical banquet: being a select collection of poems on various subjects selected to enforce the practice of virtue [T228438] [ecco]
- Publication Date:
- 1791
- ESTC No:
- T228438
- Volume:
- 1 of 1
- Relationship:
- Another Edition of
- Comments:
- Title:
- Poems on various subjects selected to enforce the practice of virtue [T126129] [ecco]
- Publication Date:
- 1800
- ESTC No:
- T126129
- Volume:
- 1 of 1
- Relationship:
- Another Edition of
- Comments:
- Author:
- John Crowder
- Confidence:
- Absolute (100%)
- Comments:
- Editor:
- Thomas Tomkins
- Confidence:
- Absolute (100%)
- Comments:
- Publisher:
- J Wallis
- Confidence:
- Absolute (100%)
- Comments:
- First Line:
- Now early shepherds over the meadows pass
- Page No:
- pp.1-4
- Poem Title:
- Health. An Eclogue.
- Attribution:
- By Parnell.
- Attributed To:
- Thomas Parnell
- First Line:
- Turn gentle hermit of the dale
- Page No:
- pp.4-10
- Poem Title:
- Edwin And Angelina. A Ballad.
- Attribution:
- By Dr. Goldsmith.
- Attributed To:
- Oliver Goldsmith
- First Line:
- Parent of virtue if thine ear
- Page No:
- pp.11-14
- Poem Title:
- Hymn To Humanity.
- Attribution:
- By Dr. Langhorne.
- Attributed To:
- John Langhorne
- First Line:
- As Phoebus darted forth his milder ray
- Page No:
- pp.15-18
- Poem Title:
- The Nightingale.
- Attribution:
- Pope [contents page]
- Attributed To:
- Alexander Pope
- First Line:
- In the barn the tenant cock
- Page No:
- pp.18-20
- Poem Title:
- Morning.
- Attribution:
- By Cunningham.
- Attributed To:
- John Cunningham
- First Line:
- Fervid on the glittering flood
- Page No:
- pp.20-21
- Poem Title:
- Noon.
- Attribution:
- By Cunningham.
- Attributed To:
- John Cunningham
- First Line:
- Over the heath the heifer strays
- Page No:
- pp.22-23
- Poem Title:
- Evening.
- Attribution:
- By Cunningham.
- Attributed To:
- John Cunningham
- First Line:
- These as they change almighty father these
- Page No:
- pp.24-28
- Poem Title:
- Hymn.
- Attribution:
- From Thomson's Seasons.
- Attributed To:
- James Thomson
- First Line:
- Far in the windings of a vale
- Page No:
- pp.28-33
- Poem Title:
- Edwin And Emma.
- Attribution:
- By David Mallet, Esq.
- Attributed To:
- David Mallet
- First Line:
- Whether amid the gloom of night I stray
- Page No:
- pp.33-35
- Poem Title:
- A Contemplation On Night.
- Attribution:
- By Gay.
- Attributed To:
- John Gay
- First Line:
- With each perfection dawning on her mind
- Page No:
- pp.35-41
- Poem Title:
- The Nun. An Elegy.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Hail mildly pleasing solitude
- Page No:
- pp.41-43
- Poem Title:
- Hymn On Solitude.
- Attribution:
- By Thomson.
- Attributed To:
- James Thomson
- First Line:
- Thanks to thee nymph whose powerful hand
- Page No:
- pp.43-44
- Poem Title:
- Ode To Sensibility.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Over moorlands and mountains rude barren and bare
- Page No:
- pp.45-46
- Poem Title:
- Content. A Pastoral.
- Attribution:
- By Cunningham.
- Attributed To:
- John Cunningham
- First Line:
- Oft I've implored the gods in vain
- Page No:
- pp.46-49
- Poem Title:
- A Prayer For Indifference.
- Attribution:
- By Mrs. Greville.
- Attributed To:
- Frances Greville [nee Macartney]
- First Line:
- If we with brutes must share a common fate
- Page No:
- pp.49-51
- Poem Title:
- On The Immortality Of The Soul.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Hail to thy living light
- Page No:
- pp.51-52
- Poem Title:
- Ode In Elfrida.
- Attribution:
- By Mason.
- Attributed To:
- William Mason
- First Line:
- Lovely lasting peace of mind
- Page No:
- pp.52-55
- Poem Title:
- Hymn To Contentment.
- Attribution:
- Parnel. [contents page]
- Attributed To:
- Thomas Parnell
- First Line:
- The wealthy cit grown old in trade
- Page No:
- pp.55-60
- Poem Title:
- The Country-Box, 1757.
- Attribution:
- By Robert Lloyd, A. M.
- Attributed To:
- Robert Lloyd
- First Line:
- Daughter of Jove relentless power
- Page No:
- pp.60-62
- Poem Title:
- Hymn To Adversity.
- Attribution:
- By Gray.
- Attributed To:
- Thomas Gray
- First Line:
- Ye nymphs of Solyma begin the song
- Page No:
- pp.62-66
- Poem Title:
- Messiah. A Sacred Eclogue.
- Attribution:
- By Pope.
- Attributed To:
- Alexander Pope
- First Line:
- The midnight moon serenely smiles
- Page No:
- pp.66-68
- Poem Title:
- An Inquiry After Happiness.
- Attribution:
- By Miss Carter.
- Attributed To:
- Elizabeth Carter
- First Line:
- Let coward guilt with pallid fear
- Page No:
- pp.68-70
- Poem Title:
- Written At Midnight In A Thunder Storm.
- Attribution:
- By The Same [i.e. Carter]
- Attributed To:
- Elizabeth Carter
- First Line:
- How sweet the calm of this sequestered shore
- Page No:
- pp.70-71
- Poem Title:
- The Evening Walk.
- Attribution:
- By The Same [i.e. Carter]
- Attributed To:
- Elizabeth Carter
- First Line:
- While soft through water earth and air
- Page No:
- pp.72-74
- Poem Title:
- Contemplation.
- Attribution:
- By The Same [i.e. Carter]
- Attributed To:
- Elizabeth Carter
- First Line:
- Soon as the morning trembles over the sky
- Page No:
- pp.74-80
- Poem Title:
- The Story Of Lavinia.
- Attribution:
- From Thomson's Seasons.
- Attributed To:
- James Thomson
- First Line:
- Father of all in every age
- Page No:
- pp.80-82
- Poem Title:
- The Universal Prayer.
- Attribution:
- By Pope.
- Attributed To:
- Alexander Pope
- First Line:
- The lord my pasture shall prepare
- Page No:
- pp.82-83
- Poem Title:
- Providence. An Hymn
- Attribution:
- By Addison.
- Attributed To:
- Joseph Addison
- First Line:
- When all thy mercies O my God
- Page No:
- pp.84-86
- Poem Title:
- Gratitude.
- Attribution:
- By The Same [i.e. Addison]
- Attributed To:
- Joseph Addison
- First Line:
- The lofty pillars of the sky
- Page No:
- pp.86-87
- Poem Title:
- Creation.
- Attribution:
- By The Same [i.e. Addison]
- Attributed To:
- Joseph Addison
- First Line:
- From frozen climes and endless tracts of snow
- Page No:
- pp.87-89
- Poem Title:
- A Winter Piece. Addressed To The Duke Of Dorset.
- Attribution:
- By Philips.
- Attributed To:
- Ambrose Philips
- First Line:
- Dear Chloe while the busy crowd
- Page No:
- pp.90-93
- Poem Title:
- The Fire-side.
- Attribution:
- By Dr. Cotton.
- Attributed To:
- Nathaniel Cotton
- First Line:
- These are thy glorious works parent of good
- Page No:
- pp.93-95
- Poem Title:
- Adam's Morning Hymn.
- Attribution:
- By Milton.
- Attributed To:
- John Milton
- First Line:
- Ye shepherds so cheerful and gay
- Page No:
- pp.96-105
- Poem Title:
- A Pastoral Ballad. In Four Parts. Written 1748.
- Attribution:
- By Shenstone.
- Attributed To:
- William Shenstone
- First Line:
- Come shepherds we'll follow the hearse
- Page No:
- pp.105-106
- Poem Title:
- Corydon. A Pastoral. To The Memory Of fWilliam Shenstone, Esq.
- Attribution:
- By Cunningham
- Attributed To:
- John Cunningham
- First Line:
- Amazing period when each mountain height
- Page No:
- pp.107-110
- Poem Title:
- The Day of Judgment.
- Attribution:
- From Young's Night Thoughts.
- Attributed To:
- Edward Young
- First Line:
- Deep in a grove by cypress shaded
- Page No:
- pp.110-115
- Poem Title:
- A Father's Advice To His Son.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Ye distant spires ye antique towers
- Page No:
- pp.115-119
- Poem Title:
- Ode On A Distant Prospect Of Eton College.
- Attribution:
- By Gray.
- Attributed To:
- Thomas Gray
- First Line:
- Near yonder copse where once the garden smiled
- Page No:
- pp.119-121
- Poem Title:
- The Country Clergyman.
- Attribution:
- By Dr. Goldsmith.
- Attributed To:
- Oliver Goldsmith
- First Line:
- Aquarius rules the frozen skies
- Page No:
- pp.121-124
- Poem Title:
- Ode To The New Year.
- Attribution:
- By Cunningham.
- Attributed To:
- Peter Cunningham
- First Line:
- Through every part of grief or mirth
- Page No:
- pp.125-126
- Poem Title:
- To David Garrick, Esq. On Meeting Him At A Friend's House.
- Attribution:
- Mr. Anstey.
- Attributed To:
- Christopher Anstey
- First Line:
- Thou great reviver of the attic fire
- Page No:
- pp.126-127
- Poem Title:
- To The Memory Of David Garrick, Esq. January 20, 1779.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- It was a friar of orders gray
- Page No:
- pp.127-132
- Poem Title:
- The Friar Of Orders Gray. First Published By Mr. Percy.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Ere Saturn's sons were yet disgraced
- Page No:
- pp.132-134
- Poem Title:
- A Tale.
- Attribution:
- By William Melmoth, Esq.
- Attributed To:
- William Melmoth
- First Line:
- Again the balmy zephyr blows
- Page No:
- pp.134-136
- Poem Title:
- An Invitation To The Feathered Race.
- Attribution:
- By The Rev. Mr. Graves.
- Attributed To:
- Richard Graves
- First Line:
- Say will no white robed son of light
- Page No:
- pp.136-138
- Poem Title:
- Ode To Truth.
- Attribution:
- By Mason.
- Attributed To:
- William Mason
- First Line:
- He said and past with sad presaging heart
- Page No:
- pp.139-143
- Poem Title:
- The Parting Of Hector And Andromache.
- Attribution:
- From Pope's Homer's Iliad.
- Attributed To:
- Alexander Pope
- First Line:
- How short is life's uncertain space
- Page No:
- pp.144-145
- Poem Title:
- The Wish.
- Attribution:
- By Merrick.
- Attributed To:
- James Merrick
- First Line:
- Rude romantic shades and woods
- Page No:
- pp.145-148
- Poem Title:
- Ode Written in the Walks at Brecknock. To Dr. Squire, Lord Bishop Of St. David's.
- Attribution:
- By Dr. Dodd.
- Attributed To:
- William Dodd
- First Line:
- The curfew tolls the knell of parting day
- Page No:
- pp.148-154
- Poem Title:
- Elegy Written In A Country Church-Yard.
- Attribution:
- By Gray.
- Attributed To:
- Thomas Gray
- First Line:
- Ah little think the gay licentious proud
- Page No:
- pp.154-155
- Poem Title:
- Reflections On The Miseries Of Human Life.
- Attribution:
- From Thomson's Seasons.
- Attributed To:
- James Thomson
- First Line:
- Pity the sorrows of a poor old man
- Page No:
- pp.156-157
- Poem Title:
- The Beggar's Petition.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Hail source of transport ever new
- Page No:
- pp.158-159
- Poem Title:
- Hymn To Benevolence.
- Attribution:
- By Blacklock.
- Attributed To:
- Thomas Blacklock
- First Line:
- Now purple evening tinged the blue serene
- Page No:
- pp.160-162
- Poem Title:
- On The Death Of Stella. A Pastoral. Inscribed To Her Sister.
- Attribution:
- Ibid [i.e. Blacklock; contents page]
- Attributed To:
- Thomas Blacklock
- First Line:
- If ever sharp sorrow from thine eyes did flow
- Page No:
- pp.162-163
- Poem Title:
- An Epitaph.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Man is deceived by outward show
- Page No:
- pp.164-171
- Poem Title:
- Content. A Vision.
- Attribution:
- By Dr. Cotton.
- Attributed To:
- Nathaniel Cotton
- First Line:
- O happiness our being's end and aim
- Page No:
- pp.171-174
- Poem Title:
- Happiness.
- Attribution:
- From Pope's Essay On Man.
- Attributed To:
- Alexander Pope
- First Line:
- Of damask cheeks and radiant eyes
- Page No:
- pp.174-176
- Poem Title:
- Sweetness. An Ode.
- Attribution:
- By Mr. Robertson.
- Attributed To:
- Rev. Mr Robertson
- First Line:
- Happy they the happiest of their kind
- Page No:
- pp.177-179
- Poem Title:
- Conjugal Felicity.
- Attribution:
- From Thomson's Seasons.
- Attributed To:
- James Thomson
- First Line:
- What beckoning ghost along the moonlight shade
- Page No:
- pp.179-182
- Poem Title:
- Elegy To The Memory Of An Unfortunate Lady.
- Attribution:
- By Pope.
- Attributed To:
- Alexander Pope
- First Line:
- Hence loathed melancholy
- Page No:
- pp.182-187
- Poem Title:
- L' Allegro.
- Attribution:
- By Milton.
- Attributed To:
- John Milton
- First Line:
- Hence vain deluding joys
- Page No:
- pp.188-194
- Poem Title:
- Il Penseroso.
- Attribution:
- By The Same [i.e. Milton]
- Attributed To:
- John Milton
- First Line:
- The wind was high the window shakes
- Page No:
- pp.194-196
- Poem Title:
- The Miser And Plutus. A Fable.
- Attribution:
- By Gay.
- Attributed To:
- John Gay
- First Line:
- Locked in the arms of balmy sleep
- Page No:
- pp.197-199
- Poem Title:
- A Sacred Lyric. On Being Waked In The Night By A Violent Storm Of Thunder And Lightning.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- Twas when the slow declining ray
- Page No:
- pp.200-201
- Poem Title:
- Ode To Innocence.
- Attribution:
- By John Ogilvie, D. D.
- Attributed To:
- John Ogilvie
- First Line:
- The sable night had spread around
- Page No:
- pp.202-203
- Poem Title:
- Cupid Benighted. Anacreon.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- First Line:
- How cheerful along the gay mead
- Page No:
- p.204
- Poem Title:
- Hymn In The Oratorio Of Abel.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
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