The lord my pasture shall prepare
- DMI number:
- 11675
- Confidence:
- Absolute (100%)
- Evidence:
- First Line:
- The lord my pasture shall prepare
- Last Line:
- And streams shall murmur all around
- Poem Genre / Form:
- Biblical paraphrase and Sestet aabbcc
- Themes:
- God, Gratitude, and Religion
- Author:
- Joseph Addison
- Confidence:
- Absolute (100%)
- Comments:
- Chalmers (1810) IX: 572.
- Title:
- Beauties of the Spectators, Tatlers, and Guardians, connected and digested under alphabetical heads [vol 2] [T163762]
- Page No(s):
- pp.278-279
- Poem Title:
- [no title]
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- Title:
- Miscellaneous pieces consisting of select poetry, methods of improvement in husbandry, gardening, and various other subjects useful to families [4th ed] [vol ii] [T127408] [ecco]
- Page No(s):
- pp.386-387
- Poem Title:
- Psalm XXXIII. Paraphrased.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- Title:
- Miscellaneous pieces consisting of select poetry, methods of improvement in husbandry, gardening, and various other subjects useful to families [4thed] [T199384] [ecco]
- Page No(s):
- pp.386-387
- Poem Title:
- Psalm XXXIII. Paraphrased.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- Title:
- Miscellaneous pieces consisting of select poetry, methods of improvement in husbandry, gardening, and various other subjects useful to families [T125628] [ecco]
- Page No(s):
- pp.386-387
- Poem Title:
- Psalm XXXIII. Paraphrased.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- Title:
- Poems on several occasions collected from the Spectators and other authors [T196880] [ECCO]
- Page No(s):
- pp.[1]-2
- Poem Title:
- The 23d Psalm translated. From the Spectator No 442.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- Title:
- Sacred poems or a collection of translations and paraphrases from the holy scriptures [N21358] [ecco]
- Page No(s):
- pp.35-36
- Poem Title:
- Psalm XXIII. Translated.
- Attribution:
- From the Spectator.
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- Title:
- The beauties of the Spectators, Tatlers, and Guardians, connected and digested under alphabetical heads [vol 2] [N16356] [ecco]
- Page No(s):
- pp.278-279
- Poem Title:
- [no title]
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- Title:
- The beauties of the Spectators, Tatlers, and Guardians, connected and digested under alphabetical heads [vol 2] [N29780] [ecco]
- Page No(s):
- pp.299-300
- Poem Title:
- [no title]
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- Title:
- The beauties of the spectators, tatlers, and guardians, connected and digested under alphabetical heads [vol 2] [N32573]
- Page No(s):
- pp.278-279
- Poem Title:
- [no title]
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- Title:
- The beauties of the Spectators, Tatlers, and Guardians, connected and digested under alphabetical heads [vol 2] [T127063] [ecco]
- Page No(s):
- pp.278-279
- Poem Title:
- [no title]
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- Title:
- The beauties of the Spectators, Tatlers, and Guardians, connected and digested under alphabetical heads [vol 2] [T97920]
- Page No(s):
- pp.319-320
- Poem Title:
- [no title]
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- Title:
- The beauties of the Spectators, Tatlers, and Guardians, connected and digested under alphabetical heads [vol 2] [T97977] [ecco]
- Page No(s):
- pp.278-279
- Poem Title:
- [no title]
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- Title:
- The beauties of the Spectators, Tatlers, and Guardians, connected and digested under alphabetical heads [vol 2] [T97990] [ecco]
- Page No(s):
- pp.278-279
- Poem Title:
- [no title]
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- Title:
- The beauties of the Spectators, Tatlers, and Guardians, connected and digested under alphabetical heads [vol 3] [N15829] [ecco]
- Page No(s):
- pp.251-252
- Poem Title:
- [no title]
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- Title:
- The seraph. A collection of divine hymns and poems. From the best authors [ECCO] [T74891]
- Page No(s):
- p.27
- Poem Title:
- Psalm XXIII.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- Title:
- The seraph. A collection of divine hymns and poems. From the best authors [T175623]
- Page No(s):
- p.27
- Poem Title:
- Psalm XXIII
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Not attributed
- Title:
- A Collection of Poems, From the Best Authors: Adapted to every age, but peculiarly designed to form the Taste of Youth. [T78176] [ECCO]
- Page No(s):
- pp.321-322
- Poem Title:
- III. Psalm XXIIII.
- Attribution:
- By the same [i.e. Addison] [Contents page]
- Attributed To:
- Joseph Addison
- Title:
- A select collection of modern poems [ESTC N21693]
- Page No(s):
- p.143
- Poem Title:
- Hymns. Hymn I.
- Attribution:
- By Mr Addison.
- Attributed To:
- Joseph Addison
- Title:
- A select collection of modern poems [N21691]
- Page No(s):
- pp.186-187
- Poem Title:
- Hymns...Hymn I.
- Attribution:
- By Mr. Addison.
- Attributed To:
- Joseph Addison
- Title:
- A select collection of modern poems moral and philosophical [T62266]
- Page No(s):
- pp.91-92
- Poem Title:
- Hymns. Hymn I
- Attribution:
- Addison. [contents page]
- Attributed To:
- Joseph Addison
- Title:
- A select collection of the Psalms of David [T124021]
- Page No(s):
- p.24
- Poem Title:
- Psalm XXIII
- Attribution:
- By Mr. Addison
- Attributed To:
- Joseph Addison
- Title:
- A select collection of the psalms of David [T91813]
- Page No(s):
- p.24
- Poem Title:
- Psalm XXIII
- Attribution:
- By Mr. Addison
- Attributed To:
- Joseph Addison
- Title:
- Miscellaneous poems. On religious, moral, and entertaining subjects: collected from the best English authors. [N4203] [ECCO]
- Page No(s):
- pp.72-73
- Poem Title:
- A Pastoral Hymn
- Attribution:
- by Joseph Addison, Esq.
- Attributed To:
- Joseph Addison
- Title:
- Miscellanies in verse and prose, written by the right honourable Joseph Addison [T142873: Reissue of N20505, T142806 and T143098]
- Page No(s):
- pp.71-72
- Poem Title:
- [No title]
- Attribution:
- as Paraphrased by Mr. Addison
- Attributed To:
- Joseph Addison
- Title:
- Poems for young ladies [N12188]
- Page No(s):
- pp.57-58
- Poem Title:
- Hymns...Providence
- Attribution:
- By Mr. Addison.
- Attributed To:
- Joseph Addison
- Title:
- Poems for young ladies [reissue of T54977] [N12187]
- Page No(s):
- pp.61-62
- Poem Title:
- Hymns by Mr. Addison. Providence.
- Attribution:
- by Mr. Addison
- Attributed To:
- Joseph Addison
- Title:
- Poems for young ladies [T173369]
- Page No(s):
- pp.65-66
- Poem Title:
- Hymns...Providence.
- Attribution:
- By Mr Addison.
- Attributed To:
- Joseph Addison
- Title:
- Poems for young ladies [T54977]
- Page No(s):
- pp.61-62
- Poem Title:
- Hymns by Mr. Addison. Providence.
- Attribution:
- Attributed To:
- Joseph Addison
- Title:
- Poems on moral and divine subjects by several celebrated English poets [T121853]
- Page No(s):
- pp.165-166
- Poem Title:
- Psalm XXIII. Paraphrased.
- Attribution:
- Addison.
- Attributed To:
- Joseph Addison
- Title:
- Poems on various subjects selected to enforce the practice of virtue [N20962] [ecco]
- Page No(s):
- pp.82-83
- Poem Title:
- Providence. An Hymn.
- Attribution:
- By Addison.
- Attributed To:
- Joseph Addison
- Title:
- Poems on various subjects selected to enforce the practice of virtue [N25819] [ecco]
- Page No(s):
- pp.82-83
- Poem Title:
- Providence. An Hymn
- Attribution:
- By Addison.
- Attributed To:
- Joseph Addison
- Title:
- Poems on various subjects selected to enforce the practice of virtue [T118368] [ecco]
- Page No(s):
- pp.211-212
- Poem Title:
- Providence. An Hymn.
- Attribution:
- By Addison.
- Attributed To:
- Joseph Addison
- Title:
- Poems on various subjects selected to enforce the practice of virtue [T126129] [ecco]
- Page No(s):
- pp.206-207
- Poem Title:
- Providence. An Hymn.
- Attribution:
- By Addison.
- Attributed To:
- Joseph Addison
- Title:
- Poems on various subjects selected to enforce the practice of virtue [T173552] [ecco]
- Page No(s):
- pp.82-83
- Poem Title:
- Providence. An Hymn
- Attribution:
- By Addison.
- Attributed To:
- Joseph Addison
- Title:
- Poems on various subjects selected to enforce the practice of virtue [T231611] [ecco]
- Page No(s):
- pp.82-83
- Poem Title:
- Providence. An Hymn.
- Attribution:
- By Addison.
- Attributed To:
- Joseph Addison
- Title:
- Poems on various subjects selected to enforce the practice of virtue [T83109] [ecco]
- Page No(s):
- pp.82-83
- Poem Title:
- Providence. An Hymn.
- Attribution:
- By Addison.
- Attributed To:
- Joseph Addison
- Title:
- Poems, Moral and Divine [T54978]
- Page No(s):
- pp.37-38
- Poem Title:
- Psalm XXIII.
- Attribution:
- By Mr. Addison.
- Attributed To:
- Joseph Addison
- Title:
- Poetical miscellany consisting of select pieces for the use of schools the fourth edition [ESTC T132703]
- Page No(s):
- pp.2-3
- Poem Title:
- David's Pastoral Hymn on Providence
- Attribution:
- Addison
- Attributed To:
- Joseph Addison
- Title:
- Select lessons in prose and verse from various authors [N21758] [ecco]
- Page No(s):
- pp.4-5
- Poem Title:
- David's Pastoral Hymn on Providence.
- Attribution:
- Addison.
- Attributed To:
- Joseph Addison
- Title:
- Select lessons in prose and verse from various authors [T119230] [ecco]
- Page No(s):
- pp.2-3
- Poem Title:
- David's Pastoral Hymn on Providence.
- Attribution:
- Addison.
- Attributed To:
- Joseph Addison
- Title:
- Select lessons in prose and verse from various authors [T133650] [ecco]
- Page No(s):
- pp.2-3
- Poem Title:
- David's Pastoral Hymn on Providence.
- Attribution:
- Addison.
- Attributed To:
- Joseph Addison
- Title:
- Select lessons in prose and verse from various authors [T147647] [ecco]
- Page No(s):
- pp.4-5
- Poem Title:
- David's Pastoral Hymn on Providence.
- Attribution:
- Addison.
- Attributed To:
- Joseph Addison
- Title:
- Select lessons in prose and verse from various authors [T147696] [ecco]
- Page No(s):
- pp.4-5
- Poem Title:
- David's Pastoral Hymn on Providence.
- Attribution:
- Addison.
- Attributed To:
- Joseph Addison
- Title:
- Select lessons in prose and verse from various authors [T78288] [ecco]
- Page No(s):
- pp.4-5
- Poem Title:
- David's Pastoral Hymn on Providence.
- Attribution:
- Addison.
- Attributed To:
- Joseph Addison
- Title:
- Select lessons in prose and verse from various authors [T78289] [ecco]
- Page No(s):
- pp.4-5
- Poem Title:
- David's Pastoral Hymn on Providence.
- Attribution:
- Addison.
- Attributed To:
- Joseph Addison
- Title:
- Select lessons in verse and prose from various authors designed for the improvement of youth [T78290]
- Page No(s):
- pp.4-5
- Poem Title:
- David's Pastoral Hymn on Providence.
- Attribution:
- Addison.
- Attributed To:
- Joseph Addison
- Title:
- The art of poetry on a new plan [vol 2] [ESTC T56146] [ECCO]
- Page No(s):
- p.71
- Poem Title:
- a version of the 23rd Psalm
- Attribution:
- by Mr. Addison
- Attributed To:
- Joseph Addison
- Title:
- The beauties of the poets. Being a collection of moral and sacred poetry, from the most eminent authors [T90031] [ECCO]
- Page No(s):
- pp.70-71
- Poem Title:
- The Twenty-Third Psalm.
- Attribution:
- Addison.
- Attributed To:
- Joseph Addison
- Title:
- The beauties of the poets. Being a collection of moral and sacred poetry, from the most eminent authors. [T87951] [ECCO]
- Page No(s):
- pp.72-73
- Poem Title:
- The XXXIIIr Psalm.
- Attribution:
- Addison.
- Attributed To:
- Joseph Addison
- Title:
- The beauties of the poets. Or, a collection of moral and sacred poetry, from the most eminent authors. [T189227] [ECCO]
- Page No(s):
- pp.86-87
- Poem Title:
- The XXIIId Psalm.
- Attribution:
- Addison.
- Attributed To:
- Joseph Addison
- Title:
- The beauties of the poets. Or, a collection of moral and sacred poetry. From the most eminent authors. [N15990] [ECCO]
- Page No(s):
- pp.86-87
- Poem Title:
- The XXIIId Psalm.
- Attribution:
- Addison.
- Attributed To:
- Joseph Addison
- Title:
- The beauties of the poets. Or, a collection of moral and sacred poetry. From the most eminent authors. [T79395] [ECCO]
- Page No(s):
- pp.86-87
- Poem Title:
- The XXIIId Psalm.
- Attribution:
- Addison.
- Attributed To:
- Joseph Addison
- Title:
- The beauties of the poets. Or, a collection of moral and sacred poetry. From the most eminent authors. [T79396] [ECCO]
- Page No(s):
- pp.86-87
- Poem Title:
- The XXIIId Psalm.
- Attribution:
- Addison.
- Attributed To:
- Joseph Addison
- Title:
- The beauties of the poets: being a collection of moral and sacred poetry, from the most eminent authors. [N16023] [ECCO]
- Page No(s):
- pp.78-79
- Poem Title:
- The XXIIIrd Psalm.
- Attribution:
- Addison.
- Attributed To:
- Joseph Addison
- Title:
- The beauties of the poets: being a collection of moral and sacred poetry, from the most eminent authors. [N29557] [ECCO]
- Page No(s):
- pp.78-79
- Poem Title:
- The Twenty-Third Psalm.
- Attribution:
- Addison.
- Attributed To:
- Joseph Addison
- Title:
- The beauties of the poets: being a collection of moral and sacred poetry, from the most eminent authors. [T87952] [ECCO]
- Page No(s):
- pp.78-79
- Poem Title:
- The XXIIIrd Psalm.
- Attribution:
- Addison.
- Attributed To:
- Joseph Addison
- Title:
- The Christian poet. A miscellany of divine poems, all written by the late Mr. Secretary Addison, &c. [ESTC T99282]
- Page No(s):
- p.21-22
- Poem Title:
- For Resignation to the Divine Will.
- Attribution:
- Mr. Secretary Addison (title page)
- Attributed To:
- Joseph Addison
- Title:
- The poetical banquet: being a select collection of poems on various subjects selected to enforce the practice of virtue [T228438] [ecco]
- Page No(s):
- pp.82-83
- Poem Title:
- Providence. An Hymn.
- Attribution:
- By Addison.
- Attributed To:
- Joseph Addison
- Title:
- The poetical miscellany consisting of select pieces [ESTC T175134] [ECCO]
- Page No(s):
- pp.2-3
- Poem Title:
- David's Pastoral Hymn on Providence
- Attribution:
- Addison
- Attributed To:
- Joseph Addison
- Title:
- The poetical miscellany consisting of select pieces for the use of schools [ESTC T118165] [ECCO]
- Page No(s):
- pp.2-3
- Poem Title:
- David's Pastoral Hymn on Providence
- Attribution:
- Addison
- Attributed To:
- Joseph Addison
- Title:
- The poetical miscellany consisting of select pieces for the use of schools third edition [ESTC T118166] [ECCO]
- Page No(s):
- pp.2-3
- Poem Title:
- David's Pastoral Hymn on Providence
- Attribution:
- Addison
- Attributed To:
- Joseph Addison
Poem Aliases
The Bible. Psalms. Psalm 23.
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