With thee conversing I forget all time
- DMI number:
- 9376
- First Line:
- With thee conversing I forget all time
- Last Line:
- That I should mind thee oft and thou mind me
- Poem Genre / Form:
- Extract / snippet from longer work and Blank verse
- Themes:
- Love and Sex / relations between the sexes
- Title:
- The agreeable variety. In two parts [T61602]
- Page No(s):
- pp.119-120
- Poem Title:
- Adam to Eve.
- Attribution:
- From Milton
- Attributed To:
- John Milton
- Title:
- The agreeable variety. In two parts. [T61568]
- Page No(s):
- pp.119-120
- Poem Title:
- Adam to Eve.
- Attribution:
- From Milton
- Attributed To:
- John Milton
- Title:
- The agreeable variety: being a miscellaneous collection in prose and verse from the works of the most celebrated authors [T61569]
- Page No(s):
- pp.119-120
- Poem Title:
- Adam to Eve.
- Attribution:
- From Milton
- Attributed To:
- John Milton